Chapter 18

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Here's your update!!

I looked at her sleeping figure once more before leaving the room, she looked calm right now, and I hated seeing her in pain. I wanted to take care of her, love her, cherish her, but she's persistent on leaving this world after the war.

I closed the door behind me and alerted the guards and the servants to take care of her, and proceeded towards the basement of the castle to discuss everything.


" Is everything ready?" I asked the chief commander.

" Yes, your majesty" he shouted back, It's gonna take some time to get used to the 'King' title.

There's so much going on, my father's mysterious death, the war and marriage, why the hell everything is so difficult in my life.

" Then let's win this war" I shouted to all the soldiers standing in front of me and we got on our horses and galloped to the war field, where our enemy was already waiting for us with a smirk on his face.

I should be the one smirking, because we have the secret weapon, my human bond, but something doesn't feel right, it's like a gut feeling. I immediately send a messenger back to the castle, he'll deliver message magically if something happens.

" Ready to lose Montero?" Jake Karlo shouted from his side.

" We'll see to that" I shouted back.

Jake just smirked and raised his hand as an indication that the war has begun, the bloodshed has begun.


Naira's POV

I felt a little bit of pain in my chest, I know why is this happening, the war has begun, and Kartik is using the human bond. They told me before that I might feel some pain during the war. There was a knock at the door.

" Come in" I said, expecting a servant to come in, but was surprised to see the person standing in front of me.

" Hello Naira, hope you enjoyed your time living here" the person smirked as he took out a dagger from his coat.

" What the hell are you trying to do, GUARDS!!" I shouted

" See everyone important is under my control, but I can't control you because of that stupid bond of yours with Kartik, so I've to kill you in a more 'human' way" the person explained to me so casually as if it was nothing.

" But why you've to kill me??" I shouted back

" Simple, so that Kartik lose the war and the crown" he smirked.



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