Chapter 16

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Here's your update!!

Everyone bowed when Kartik sat on the throne with the crown on his head. He was officially the King of the Radiant country now. All of us are going through so many things, first the funeral and now the coronation.

" He's sad" whispered Scott, who was standing beside me

I looked at him, " I know him since childhood, he's going to push everyone away now" Scott continued

" That's why you have to be by his side, take care of him" Scott looked at me, I looked away, feeling guilty, I'm never going to be here when everyone expects me to, after the war I'm going to go back.

I took slow steps towards him, he was busy talking to some novels, he turned to look at me as if he sensed me coming to his way. He gave a slight nod to the people who he was talking to and walked towards me.

" How are you feeling?" I asked

" Nothing, I'm feeling nothing" he said blankly

" You know, you can tell me anything"  I tried to assure him

" It's better that a stranger doesn't know anything, you're going to leave me anyway" Kartik said back

I nodded and quietly stood beside him, observing the crowd, everyone busy in their talk, they all looked the same, and they are going to look the same on my wedding day which is going to take place the day after.

" Can..." I turned to look at Kartik, but he was not by my side.

I informed my lady-in-waiting, that I'm leaving because I'm not feeling well, more like I don't want to be here anymore, I really don't have any friend here but Kartik and he left me too. It's my mistake afterall. I'm being selfish.

" Lady Naira, can I have a minute with you" suddenly Kristine appeared

I didn't talk to her much, she's Albert's wife.

" Ya, let's go to my wing" I said and we went to my wing

" I think Albert is hiding something from me" she said

" What do you mean? Am I supposed to be concern about it?" I said a bit rudely, because right now I'm in no state to offer any counselling right now

" No no, you got me wrong, it's not about our relationship, it's something related to the former King" no sooner did she said that, Albert suddenly walked into my wing with the guards following him trying to stop him. I dismissed the guards.

" Please don't listen to her, we're in a rocky relationship right now, so she's trying to frame me" he bowed a little as he said

" I don't understand" I replied

Albert came a little close to me and gave me a paper, it was a prescription stating that Kristine is not well mentally and she sees illusions.

I looked at Kristine, concerned about her health, " What did he show you?, It's all a lie, that paper itself is a lie" Kristine shouted a little as Albert dragged her out, leaving the prescription behind.
Should I tell Kartik?, But Albert is his best friend, if I point him out like this, he's surely gonna kick me out?
What am I supposed to do?



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