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nah bcs why did it take me 5 hours to write this chapter 💀 especially since i have no dating experience so it was hard to portray what hyemin was feeling

nah bcs why did it take me 5 hours to write this chapter 💀 especially since i have no dating experience so it was hard to portray what hyemin was feeling

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That was one word to describe Ji Hyemin's current emotions. It's been a month since Hyunwoo dumped her, and she's never been in worse shape. She didn't eat or drink much anymore, and dark bags under her eyes appeared beneath her eyes, and her physique shrank.

Looking at the photo of Hyemin and Hyunwoo on their date three months ago, Hyemin sighed. Oh, how she yearned for that moment when everything was perfect. They used to have stay-at-home dates and watch cheesy rom-coms together.

Usually, she would start crying again but because that's one of the only things she's been doing for the past month, there were no tears anymore. Just despair and dejection. She stopped sending messages to him, slowly accepting that maybe they would never be together again, but it still hurt.

He didn't even explain why, which was the part that bothered her the most. It seemed as if their four years together had been in vain, like she had wasted her time.  Not to mention the remorse she felt.

She felt like she was the reason. That the problem was her. She exhaled as she scrolled through their chats together.


20 October 2021, 02:23 AM

me: hey

me: its me again

me: i came here to ask how are you

me: but of course u blocked me so u probably won't see this

me: i've been feeling like shit

me: the doctor says i can't come to school for the next 2 months because i broke my leg and sprained my wrist

me: it probably wouldn't have happened if u were there

me: you're like my good luck

me: *were

me: it was such a shame

me: u never came to any of my competitions

me: i really wanted u to see me skate

me: i don't wanna brag but im quite good at it ha ha

me: im thinking of quitting it tho

me: what's the point anymore

me: all it would do is make me think of u

me: and as much as i love u, i can't do this anymore

me: as days go by, its been harder and harder for me to get up

me: i wish i could sleep forever

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐔 ♡ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now