Chapter 14

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"What" you asked, as a familiar feeling of anxiety entered the pit of your stomach. You were sat where many could only dream and yet still, there was a problem.

"I've got something to tell you Y/N and you really aren't going to like it" she said, quietly before taking your hands into her own. She looked at you with her big brown eyes as her thin lips formed a weak smile. "Go on Helena" you stuttered, trying to seem brave but the words crumbled as they left your mouth. "I'm seeing someone Y/N" she said, coldly. All of a sudden, the world went dark. The little flickering light in your soul burnt out. You couldn't run. You couldn't speak.

You sat there for five minutes inconsolable. You didn't know how to feel. How to act. The love of your life had just told you she was seeing someone else. "How long?" you said, coldly for no emotion left your body. She didn't deserve that from you. "One month" she replied. "Oh wow" you gasped, as the emotion you'd shoved down for so long suddenly sprung out. It was all a lie. Everything she'd told you from the very first moment she'd laid eyes on you. Gone.

"Who" you cried. It hurt so much. An everlasting pain simply growing in your chest. Was this heartbreak? It sure felt like it. "Y/N come on now" Helena said calmly.
How was she so calm? She'd just destroyed you and yet showed no emotion. "No I won't fucking come 'on' now" you spat. "Helena, I've been nothing but good to you" you cried. "I know" she said as her eyes brimmed with tears. "I can explain" she whispered, trying to hold you to which you responded by shaking her off.

"Explain what?" you cried. "Explain how.. how you've lied to me.. betrayed me even, for the past fucking month" you screamed, as your voice shook with anger. "Y/N-" she tried to squeeze in but you cut her off. "How I've been there for not you but your children. How I'm the fucker who's ended up reading Nell endless bedtime stories and playing house and shut your son down AFTER he tried it on with me.." you laughed, hysterically at the upmost shock on her face. "What?" she said. You smirked. "Awe didn't he tell you?" you giggled childishly to which she sat there in silence.

You didn't speak for what seemed like the rest of the trip. You slept downstairs despite Helena's continuous efforts to try make amends. To say your world had come crashing down was an understatement. "Y/N please let's talk" Helena said coldly, as you stirred your morning tea angrily. "What's there to sort Helena honestly I'd love to know?" you whispered. There was no emotion.

"Please just give me the chance to explain myself Y/N" she said, taking your palms into her own as she ran her fingers through your hair. "I love you too much to lose you my darling" she whispered, kissing your head gently as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. These were quickly flattened by your own pride. "Go on then" you said, rolling your eyes as you rested over the island that stood in the middle of the kitchen area.

"I do not love this man" she said, warmly. Was she actually for real?
"Oh so.. your still into men? Thanks for clearing that one up" you said sarcastically before pouring the drink you'd made down the drain for what she had said had just turned your stomach. She ignored you.

"What we have Y/N.. me and you is something others could only dream about. You are mine and I am yours. For I could never be so silly as to throw you away like that" she sighed, before continuing on. "I met Rye at a wedding I attended last month. You were busy with your course and what would it look like bringing my son's 'girlfriend' to a wedding?" she said, raising her eyebrows as her warm brown eyes fixated on you.

"He's only temporary love" she said, seeing the scowl that had started to form in your face. "Just someone to keep the press at bay whilst I sort this whole bloody thing out" she giggled.
"So you don't love him" you said, relieved.
"Of course I don't bloody love him.. I'm completely obsessed with you even if you don't half drive me bonkers" she smiled, wiping the hair that had fallen onto your face away.

After those words left her lips, the fight that happened between you and Helena was barely a blip. It didn't matter for she was still yours and you were hers. Everything had been restored. Light flourished inside of you, sending feelings of warmth up your arms and legs.

The trip was nothing but a delight after. The sea was mesmerising. It truly was such a beautiful place. You giggled as you watched Helena sat on the balcony, sipping margaritas with her untameable hair running down her shoulders. It was nice to see her this relaxed given how busy she'd been.  "You coming in?" you joked, as the sun started to set. "I think not" she smiled, watching you from the comfort of the balcony. "Are you sure" you grinned, leaving and climbing up the ladder, dripping wet. "Y/N.." she panicked as you edged closer. "I swear to God" she laughed, as you started to gently splash her.

"Perfect" you smirked. "You've already got your bikini on" you said, grabbing her arm and leading her to the edge of the balcony. "One two three jump?" you said, as she rolled her eyes. "I can't believe your making me do this"
"Oh stop being such a bore" you giggled, sticking your tongue out.

"Ready.. one. two. three. GO!" you said, as you let go of her hand as she dived in. Quickly grabbing your camera, you managed to get the most wonderful shot of Helena. Her hair freely down by her shoulders and not up in the usual birds nest. Her skin glowing as she radiated with happiness as the sky was an oil painting of beautiful reds, oranges and pinks. "Perfect" you smiled, looking down at the tiny screen. "You bloody bastard" she giggled. "I'm coming in don't worry" you smiled, taking her hand as she led you in. "This has honestly been so magical" you smiled, kissing her ever so softly on the lips. "Thank you so much" you whispered, as she ran her wet nimble fingers through your wavy hair. "Always a pleasure" she grinned before her face quickly turned to a frown.

"You do realise Y/N that when we go back, it can't be the same" she said, with a concerned look on her face. You nodded to show that you understood. After all, despite her being yours first, she was going to publicly be in a relationship with Rye. Despite how tormented you knew you'd be over seeing photographs of them together, you held on to this special week in the Maldives. The special photos you'd taken of Helena and the ones she'd taken of you. Every moment you had together was meaningful and special. It meant more than Helena technically being with someone else. If your love was strong enough to survive this, it could survive anything right?
authors note:
hi sexies,
sorry for being completely shite with updates again. ive been revising for mocks etc which went.. shit x but anyways, mr Rye has been brought into the equation so hope you'll enjoy seeing how it all plays out
see you hopefully in a week but knowing me it'll probs be a month lol x
- L xxx

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