Chapter 19 | The Final Battle

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~Y/N's POV~

"How are we supposed to figure out where this letter was sent from? It doesn't have a location" I asked scanning over the letter.

"Oh! Traveler! Your elemental sight!" Paimon suggested as Aether took the letter.

I was confused. "What is 'elemental sight'?"

"'s a long story" Paimon said. Aether then proceeded to scan over the letter and look away from time to time.

"This way" he pointed in a direction as he started walking, we all followed him.

It seemed like we were heading in the same path as Mondstat? I couldn't exactly tell.

"Aether, exactly how long i-"


I looked up to see an icicle shard heading directly toward us. "Look out!" I closed my eyes as a reflex.

Once I opened them I saw Zhongli had made a shield of some sort surrounding us.

"Ah.. that's Zhongli" I sighed as he nodded. "

"Let's just keep going.." . We continue to walk a little then started picking up the pace, to outright running.

The closer we got to Mondstat we began seeing more giant ice shards fall.

I looked around to see everyone in the Knights of Favonius fighting off hilichurls.

These were different from the others tho.. they have some sort of enchantress around them.

"Up there! It's Xiao!" We all saw Xiao in the air fighting some kind of person...


Is that..?

"GANYU!" I tried to run toward her but Zhongli stopped me with his shield.

"It's too dangerous, we'll have to pull back- Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I heard him yell as I pushed him to unfocus his shield.

I ran to the sight of Xiao fight Ganyu. Why is he fighting her? Why is she doing this??

"Y/N! You're safe!" Jean said running up to me and hugging me. "Jean? I though you were mad at me.."

"We can worry about that later, for now just help me evacuate the monstadters-"

"I insist she helps me instead" Albedo said approaching us.

"Albedo?" I asked confused. He's been quick to help me, why does he need my help?

"Let's save Ganyu" he said reaching his hand out toward me. "Right" I shook his hand as we both headed toward Ganyu.

~Xiao's POV~

Shit.. she's quicker than I thought.. "Damnit Ganyu, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I said as I blocked an ice shard attack from her.

"Ganyu! Hold on we're coming!" I heard an annoying voice yell from a distance.

"What the- hey what are you-" once I got distracted she struck me with an ice shard big enough to scar my cheek.

"Next time, it won't be a warning" she said.


~Y/N's POV~

Oh no.. Xiao got hurt!

"Y/N, I'll give you a lift" "huh? Wait!"

Albedo lifted me up on some type of flower. "Woah- thanks albedo!" I said as I saw him smile and continue fighting off hilichurls.

I took a deep breath and yelled "GANYU!!!" every thing went quiet for a second.

Ganyu looked over at me shocked "Y/N?"

I saw dark smoke come from behind Ganyu as I heard a voice come from it. "Well, well, well.. what do we have here? The Knight of Favonius herself, Miss Y/N"

"Who are you?"

"Do you not remember? Oh! That's right! You lost your memory!"

I turned around to see everyone shocked as they started whispering. "Is that true?" "She lost her memory?" "The knight of Favonius lost her memory?"

I looked and seen Jean covering her mouth with tears forming in her eyes, "Y/N..."

I turned back to the smoke angrily. "How do you know that?!" I said clenching my sword.

"I might have something to do with that.."


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