Chapter 13 | A Flash from the Past

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~Albedo's POV~

When was the last time you loved?

"Love? What is love?"

I always find myself asking that question. No matter how smart I was, I could never find the answer for that question.

I never had any interest in athletics or anything of that sort. It was always me, my books and my experiments.

That is.. until she showed up.

"Hey! Can you pass me back that ball?" A kid ran up to me. She could barely get her sentence out because she was out of breath.

"Uh sure.." I picked up the ball that had rolled towards me as I was interrupted by her sitting beside me.

"Wow! You're studying architecture too? I thought I was the only one. My teachers and my parents thought I was too smart for my classes so they assigned me more challenging work" she said looking over my shoulder.

"Ah yes I am studying architecture.." I was very nervous about it since the only people I speak to throughout my day are my teachers, and Klee.

"My name is Y/N, what's yours?"

" name is Albedo"

She took my hand in hers and shook it.

"Let's be friends, yeah?" She said smiling ear to ear.

"Friends.. I like the sound of that" I managed to smile, or at least I felt like I was.

We spent every waking hour doing experiments and studying. She would always stick up for me whenever someone would judge me for being more of a bookworm.

She was the first person I ever admired.

When I confessed my feelings toward her she also felt the same way. We've been dating secretly for two years. We even talked about getting married one day.

Until eventually one day.. we slowly started to drift apart.. she became more interested in fighting and training while I was still interested in books and experiments.

It had gotten to the point where some days we would go without speaking to each other.

I couldn't help but think maybe I wasn't enough for her.

Maybe it's for the best. We didn't tell each other we wanted to break up, but we both knew it was official.

If I could go back.. would I have done anything differently?


"To top everything off.. you lost your memory.." I said as I stopped working.

"Mr. Albedo?" I turned to see Sucrose. "Forgive me I lost my train of thought, what were we talking about again?" "We were discussing ho...."

I hope you find your love within someone new Y/N..


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