Chapter 12 | Escape Route

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~Y/N's POV~

I felt physically sick. What if Ganyu thinks I forgotten her? Forgotten our promise?


I have to see Ganyu again.

Jean there's no way I'd ever question or have doubts of your authority, but I think this time I need to decide on my own.

Seeing Ganyu makes me happy. I want to be happy.

I plan to sneak out of Monstadt tonight. Ganyu always told me to go with my gut feeling when you can't decide in an instant.

My gut is telling me to go see her again. Even if it's for three seconds, I want to see her again.

As I stood up from my bed I looked in the mirror again "HOLY CRAP I COMPLETELY FORGOT THIS SCAR ON MY FACE!" I yelled as I started touching it.

Oh man, what if Ganyu finds me hideous?! This is the worst thing to ever happen to me!

Still, a scratch wasn't going to stop me from seeing her.

I'll leave at 19:00

I made sure I didn't pack anything so I don't look suspicious.

"Yes! Don't worry Ganyu I'll see you again in no time!" I said as I jumped back into bed.

~3rd Person's POV~

A mysterious shadow was standing in front of Y/N's door.

"I see..."

They said as they walked off.

—-A few hours later—-

Jean called in all the knights of Favonius.

"My apologies for calling you all here suddenly, but I wanted to inform you that Y/N isn't feeling well and needs to stay in bed for a while"

"Aww poor Y/N I hope she'll be okay" Amber said worried.

"Calm down, we all know that Y/N is capable of handling herself. That's the reason she's a Knight isn't it?" Lisa said speaking to everyone as they were panicking.

"Lisa's right, Y/N can handle something as simple as a cold. So let's all relax a bit" Kaeya said managing to get people to get quieter.

"Miss Y/N can't come out to play anymore?" Klee said sniffing.

"Unfortunately not Klee, she'll get better soon though so you two can play together again" Albedo said comforting her.

Then he mumbled to himself "I wonder if she got sick because of the potion? It could be a side affect."

"Now that I have informed you all you can go back to what you were doing before, dismissed." Jean said as everyone started clearing her office.

"I wonder.. did you fall sick because I had forbidden you to go out to Liyue again..? Y/N all I care about is your safety please understand.." Jean said pulling a picture out from under her desk.

"It's a picture of us when we were younger.. do you remember?" she said lightly gliding her hand across it. "Ah if only times were as simple as they used to be"

Jean wiped a tear from her eye and put the photo back.

"Y/N, whatever shall I do with you?"

~Y/N's POV~

Alright, I should start heading out now.

I tried not to look suspicious as I crept from out of my door and down the hall past Jean's office.

"Phew.. that was scary" I whispered. I continued to creep until I got to the front gate.

"Shoot I forgot about the knights here-"

"Going somewhere?"

I turned around only to be faced with no one other than Albedo.

"Albedo? What are you doing here?" I said a bit frightened by his sudden appearance.

"I could ask you the same thing. You weren't thinking about disobeying Jean's orders were you?" He said walking closer to me.

"No, no! I was just stepping out side to do patrol-"

"Patrol? Aren't you supposed to be sick?" He said stopping as we were face to face.

"Listen Albedo.. you can 'report' me or whatever but please understand. Imagine if you had someone or something you loved be separated from you, wouldn't you want to be reunited with them?" I asked hoping he'd understand.


"Yeah...WAIT!" After realizing what I said I started blushing like crazy.

"Hehe you really are amusing Y/N, Y'know that? I won't report you, in fact I'll help you."

"eh? EH?! You? Help me?!" I jumped back.

He covered my mouth to keep me from being too loud and disturbing others.

"Will you be quiet? If we get caught you'll have to cover for yourself" he removed his hand from my mouth as he wiped it with a cloth.

"Sooo how do you plan on helping me?" I said catching my breath again.

"Just follow my lead and don't say anything."

I nodded as I followed him outside of the city gates.

One of the guards stopped us on our way out. "Excuse me Mr. Albedo, Miss Y/N but if I may ask, what business do you two have outside of Monstadt this late at night?"

"We're just heading up to my workspace, is there a problem Mr. Lawrence?" Albedo asked him.

"Uh- n-no sir! forgive me" he said as he stepped aside.

Even though he seems like the quiet type Albedo is really scary..

We made it out of sight from the knights as we stopped to part ways.

"This is where we go our separate ways" Albedo said.

I was kinda sad since he helped me. "Yeah, where are you going to go?" He turned facing the opposite direction "I'm going to go to my workspace, it would be unexplainable if I showed back up to Monstadt the same night without you"

"Yeah you're right haha.. ah thanks Albedo, you're a good friend, I hope we were friends before I lost my memory" I smiled as I ran off.

~Albedo's POV~
I saw Y/N run off before I could say anything.

Friends huh? We were more than that..

I started walking back in the direction of Dragonspine.

How will I cover for you this time Y/N?


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