Chapter 3 | Your Training Starts..

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~Y/N's POV~

Ganyu returned like she promised and stayed the night with me. She truly was nice. As we spent more time together though, I started to wonder...

Was she my friend before I lost my memory? I couldn't shake the thought it made me feel uneasy.

"N/N?" Ganyu stopped and looked at me with a concerned look. "Oh sorry Ganyu, I was just spacing out a bit, what were we talking about?"

"We were talking about your training, you'll have to learn to fight if you want to survive out here" she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ah right! I forgot hehe.. so how exactly do we train?"

She stopped talking for a moment to think. "Drat, I forgot.." she turned to me "we don't even know your weapon yet, all we know is your vision." Ganyu said as she sighed.

I can't lie, I hated myself for not knowing. The burden wouldn't be on Ganyu's shoulders so much if I could remember. I began hitting my head "think, think!"

Ganyu pulled my hands away from my head. "Hey hey! Don't try to force yourself to remember. We'll figure it out together" she gave me a reassuring smile.

She really is a great friend. If we were friends before I lost my memory I'm glad she befriended me again.

"Hmm let's see.." she began examining my clothes. "It doesn't seem like there's any trace of a weapon, so we have no way to tell"

It went quiet for a moment. "Oh! Why don't we try to get you to summon your weapon, that should work"

"Okay! Um.. but how do I do that" she grit her teeth, "now that you mention it, it's not a thing you can simply put into words, it sorta just happens when you're in heat of a battle"

"Oh I see.. so there's no way to try now?" Ganyu scanned the area looking for something. "It looks like there is, you see that slime right there?" She pointed to a brownish looking slime.

"Normally, let's say you were fighting a cryo slime with a cryo vision, it would be immune to your attacks, but geo counters geo, so you're all good!"

"You want me to fight that thing?!" I got nervous I've never fought anything before, or at least I don't remember fighting anything.

"I just wanna see if you'll have the motivation to summon your weapon when you're in an actual fight" she slightly pushed me toward it.

It noticed me and starting jumping towards me. I tried thinking of all sorts of ways to summon my weapon.

I even started saying some weird spell-like things to make it disappear. "Begone you!" "Um.. I order you to vanish!" I swear I saw it give me a confused look before jumping super high in the air and over my head.

Ganyu then shot an arrow at it defeating it easily, then she ran up to me. "Well, at least we know you're not a catalyst"

I started chasing her in annoyance knowing she put my life in danger.

We then laughed a bit and sat by a river. "Today sure was eventful wasn't it?" She giggled and put her knees up to her chest.

"Haha yeah it was..." my smile faded a bit. "N/N, what's wrong?" She asked me as she also stopped smiling.

"Sorry I don't mean to bum you out" I said feeling guilty. "It's no problem at all, I'm asking because I'm concerned"

"Well.. I just feel like something is missing, erm.. like I'm in shoes that aren't mine. There could be something major that I need to remember but.. I just can't"

"I see.." she stood up. "Uh- did I say something wrong?" without answering my question she continued "I'll just stay with you until your memory's fully restored, I'll help you as much as I can to get them back"

"We'll be partners"

With those words I smiled and shook her hand. "I like the sound of that, partner" she helped me up.

"I'm kinda hungry, where should we go eat?" I placed a hand on my stomach hearing it slightly rumble.

"Hmm I know this great place called the Wahmin Restaurant, I think you'd enjoy the food there" she suggested.

"Sure, I'm down" I said walking beside her.


(A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short I was in a hurry since I go back to school soon, I'll try to update the story more frequently!)

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