Chapter 6 |Arrival

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~Y/N's POV~

I spent the last hour trying to wake Ganyu
up. "Wake uppp!" I tried tugging on her arm but she didn't respond...oh god.. IS SHE DEAD??!

I started panicking. what should I do?! Oh! I got it. I ran outside to look for a pond of some sort.

I made sure the water was clean enough though, of course. I gathered some water into my hands. By chance she WAS alive, I don't want her to be completely soaked.

I want to know more about my past.. so I have to go to this erm... "Monstadt"

Once I arrived back in the hut, I sprinkled some water onto her face.

She squinted a little which made me come to the conclusion that she is still alive. "Thank goodness you're okay.."

She sat up rubbing her eyes and looking up at me. "I'm sorry, did I oversleep? Forgive me, it's a habit I've been working on.."

At that moment I wanted to hug her. She's done way too much stuff for her to feel bad for

"Ganyu, whenever you're with me.. your insecurities and downfalls are also mine to bare. We'll work through them together" I smiled then stood up.

I stretched my limbs."Now we should get going before the weather starts acting up again"

She nodded in agreement as we both set out again. "Y'know Ganyu?" I threw my hands behind my head as I was walking.


"What do you like to do? Like for fun?"

"For um.. fun?" She seemed puzzled. "You do know what fun is... right?" I put my arms back down to my side. What if she never experienced fun before?

She started fiddling with her fingers "W-well on occasion I'd go pick some flowers. I don't really know if you can consider that 'fun' though"

I was shocked "wow! You pick flowers that's so cool! What time of flowers do you like to pick?"

"Erm well I really like glaze lilies the color palette on them are really enjoyable to look at, I also like that at night they close up and at day they bloom" she put her hands down. I could tell she's really interested in those flowers.

"Glaze lilies huh? I wish I knew what they looked like, I bet they're really pretty"

"Yes they are actually-"

Mid in our tracks I happened to notice a man standing on a rock, he looked terrified as he pointed down at something.

He shrieked, "Someone save me!" I looked down to see what he needed to be saved from. "What is that thing?!" I backed up a little.

This one was different than the other monsters I've seen before, this one had four legs and was very loud.

"D-don't worry Ganyu, I'll protect you both" I was obviously scared shitless. I never fought one of those things before so I can't predict it's movements.

Then, as I was about to approach it I heard a giggle behind me. I turned around and Ganyu outright started laughing.

"That's..not a monster... it's.. it's a dog!" She said as she was laughing in between her sentence.

My face turned completely red in embarrassment. "Hey! How was I supposed to know? I've never seen one of those!" I crossed my arms as she was gathering her sense back.

"Phew.. anyways let's go help this man, he seems terrified" she walked over to the situation.

Now that I think about it.. I've never heard Ganyu's laugh before, it's actually very cute..cute.. CUTE?? I noticed what I said and quickly tried to get that thought out of my head.

"Jeez N/N cut it out, you're like her student and she's my-" I looked over at her and seen her kneeling and petting the dog.

She smiled but it was a very mesmerizing smile, the kind of smile you'd get lost in.

"Ganyu..." my heart started to race. I started hitting my chest. What is this feeling?!

I yelled out to her "Ganyu come quick I think I'm having a heart attack!" I couldn't tell if I was overreacting though because I've never experienced one before, I only heard about it at Bubu pharmacy.

By the time she ran over to me, my heart rate lowered back to it's normal rate. "A-uh never mind it was just a false alarm!" I scratched the back of my head.

"I see, make sure to let me know if anything else goes wrong okay?"

Strange.. nothing about Ganyu changed yet the way that I see her did.

"We should get moving again, we're rearing Monstadt" she pointed in a different with slightly greener grass.

"Woah! This is Monstadt's grass?" I ran over to it and examined it.

~3rd Person POV~

Both Ganyu and N/N were exploring different specialties in Monstadt. They both enjoyed there time together, from getting chased by ruin hunters to hanging out by the beach.

And finally.. to Monstadt's bridge.
"Woah! It's like a castle" N/N said. "Y-yeah the scenery here is very pleasant"

They both walked up to the front entrance. Before they were stopped by Knights.

"Halt! State your name- ah miss Y/N you have returned, I take it your vacation was to your liking?"

~Y/N's POV~

"Huh?" Ganyu lightly elbowed my in the shoulder. "Erm uh yes it was to my liking" I was very confused but I knew we came here for answers to all this in the first place.

"Who is the one you bring alongside you miss Y/N?" The other guy dressed in armor beside him asked.

"Ah r-right.. this is my um..-" "-I am her trainer, while she came to visit she wanted training lessons so she came to me. As form as her payment she invited me here to Monstadt"

"Ahem right.. well welcome back N/N and welcome strange yet honorable traveler" They saluted us before letting us inside.

As soon as we got inside we both started laughing. "Aw man that was so scary! I thought we'd get caught" I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"Me too haha"

I looked around and saw all the lovely shops. I also heard locals say "Error" "Haven't you heard? There's a strange wanderer near Wolvendom" "Dandelions? Of course they're flowers" "Ah.. all I can think about is Diluc"

"Ganyu look! A restaurant, wanna go for something to eat? My treat" I said with a grin.

"Oh no- I can pay-" I cut her off "I want to pay." She was stubborn at first but then she agreed.

"Oh! It's miss Y/N how do you do?" The lady behind the counter said. "I'm doing well.. and yourself?"

"Quite well, everyone was awaiting your arrival, it's nice to have to back" she smiled.

"T-thanks um.. can we order something to eat?" She shook her head "sorry! I got sidetracked, what is it you would like? It's on the house"

"Oh thank you!.. hmm" I looked at the menu. "Can I have a LF/F? (Lest favorite food)" she looked shocked.

"I thought you hated that dish, Liyue must have really done some wonders for you haha! Coming right up, and you?" She looked over at Ganyu.

"I'll have whatever she's having" she wrote it down on a tab.

"Okay! Your meals will be ready soon, you can go have a seat if you'd like" she started prepping the ingredients for cooking.

Me and Ganyu sat down at a table waiting for our food.

"Being in Monstadt seems surreal" observed the area around some more.

~Ganyu's POV~

"Yes it is" I agreed. I was smiling until a realized, I'll really have to leave this time.. it's gonna be quite lonely without her around.

"Y/NNNNNN!!!!" We both looked over and say someone running towards us.


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