Next Generation: AU4 Chapter 15

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AUTHORS NOTE: Ethan Ramsey has always felt calm under pressure. But today, things are a little different when all eyes are on him as the national Hospital Rankings are released- and his leadership this far is placed on a pedestal for all to observe. Meanwhile the new edenbrook interns prepare for their first day of residency- and both doctor Valentine and Doctor Ramsey welcome them to the first day of whats going to be their life for the next few years. V has her first meeting with the team as director, and james tries to find out whats going with maria and tobias...this is 'Next Generation' and I hope you enjoy! :)

this is 'Next Generation' and I hope you enjoy! :)

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It feels like a life time ago.

A life time, since i walked through edenbrook doors for the first time as an intern.

The thing is, another distinguishable difference between myself and Valerie is that when V arrived on her first day....oh the world practically sparkled in her eyes. And to a degree, it still does, with a slightly more tainted hue. But yes, on her first day there was excitement, there was nerves- she was...simply a breath of fresh air, and yet on her first day and for quite sometime i was dismissive of that.


Because on my first day, I was quite the opposite.

From day one, I knew to get to where i wanted to be, i couldn't just stand in the atrium and look around in Awe at edenbrook. No, because that would be a waste of time. Instead, I was focus, assertive and not allowing my self to make mistakes. But I did. I made...a few more mistakes than id be willing to let onto anyone- besides valerie that is.

I remember reading valeries application, very vividly so it happens. I remember thinking, what a bright young woman she was, and still is. And when I saw her on her first day, plenty of thoughts went through my head. One, she has potential. Two, shes a pain in the ass. And Three, shes incredibly attractive. Although for the longest time i tried to ignore that third point. All I could think is that with the right guide, she could be an incredible doctor. she had everything there, she just...needed a push.

Which is what I like to think Naveen did for me.

He showed me that there was more to being a doctor than being a perfectionist. He pushed me in the right directions and used what i already displayed to make me into the doctor i am today. I'd like to think when Valerie looks back she can see that that is what i did for her. Needless say back then I had no interest or thoughts of becoming the chief of edenbrook.

and yet the old place grew on me.

After witnessing its struggles over the past couple of years, from everything finance related to everything bloom related- I have realised several times that if you want something doing, you should do it yourself. and that's what i decided i wanted to do when naveen offered me this position. Do what he has done for me and what i have done for valerie. takes whats already there and build upon it to make it something magnificent.

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now