Birthday Girl: AU4 chapter 6

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AUTHORS NOTE: It's Valeries' 28th birthday! And Ethan is keen to ensure his girl has the happiest of birthdays in todays chapter. Full of love, gratitude, surprises, friends and family, its certainly a day to remember, followed my a little out of state trip for the next few days, that bring promising adventures, and so much more! Meanwhile, James is preparing to take care of a few things while Ethan and V are away....this is 'Birthday Girl' and I hope you enjoy! :)

this is 'Birthday Girl' and I hope you enjoy! :)

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Strangely enough, I remember quite a lot about 1993. It was when I first started to notice the... drifts, in my parents relationship. As a child, you notice these things but never really connect the dots until you're older, but there's still a sense there something is wrong.

The year I was preparing to move to my next school, and I can remember being so excited for a new start... Yes, I really can remember a lot about 1993...

The year that Valerie Valentine, happened to be born on this very day.

Miles away, further up the east coast in Michigan from where I was in Rhode Island- Vs life was just beginning. And I already felt like I had lived a life and half by that point, as dramatic as that sounds.

And sometimes I forget how relatively young she is. Turning 28 today, I've always been a firm believer that she's wiser beyond her years, to which she always says that she takes after me. And my reply is- she can be wise, but never cynical. The brightness in her heart and the brightness in her mind is what makes her, her... No matter the hardship, she has always been a shining light in every darkness, even her own.

So, on her 28th birthday, she deserves all the light and all the love. She deserves that every day of course... But today? She deserves to have people give it to her....

I heard a stir and a murmur from the bedroom, so I put down what I was doing in the kitchen, and headed on over to the bedroom entryway to see where valerie was just awaking..

I leaned against the wall and folded my arms before smiling "good morning birthday girl."

There was a further murmur and a big stretch, before she sat up and smiled, titlting her head. "good morning..."

She held out her arms and I chuckled as I went over and pulled her into a hug "my girl turns 28 years old today..."

She curled up to my side and murmured"Your girl is old. I'm going gray..."

i kissed her crown and chuckled "not in the absolute slightest...and anyway, going gray is whats happening to me."

she giggled and looked up to me "I pinky promise that when you get your first grey hair i'll pull it out."

I smiled and rested my forehead to hers, nose to nose "Make it a pinky swear."

"i pinky swear."

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now