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Hello! And welcome to AU Book 4!

It's been a few weeks since the end of AU3, where Ethan and Valerie finally went public with their relationship  at edenbrook- but also to the whole medical world. It was a long time coming, and I had that ending in mind for a long time. AU1 was about the angst and the logning, where as AU2 was about E and Vs relationship as a whole- but also about the new developments for them in their love life and their work life. AU3 was really a mixture of every theme- and with Open Heart coming to an end towards the end of AU3, I had to find a way to make things work and become comfortable writing all these stories- angst- romance or whatever it may be. And in a lot of ways, AU3 was the book where i fell into my own steps and became comfortable in my own work.

AU4 is going to be the first installment in the series where its completley my own work- so its going to take a lot of planning (as of now when im typing this i have 11 chapter planned so far) but I hope to be posting consistently without too many long breaks. For the first 10 chapters or so I'll be posting twice a week, and then I will most likely be dropping down to one- depending on statistics.

But enough of the technicalities! Whats instore for the edenbrook doctors in this book? I don't want to give away too much, but I can say that this book is going to be so exciting. and not in the dramatic way (although there will be a few dramatic moments here and there) but mostly in the romantic way! With in the first 11 chapters, there will be Ethan and Valeries wedding! I can't say which chapter, but it will be soon! But before that, the board exams will be going ahead, Valeries birthday - the hospital rankings- and so much more. Im also planning on doing a few Halloween specials this year- its something I didnt do last year, but now im writing on my own accord, I can post halloween specials- and also post christmas/winter related chapters earlier than last year.

As of now, im not sure how many chapters there will be in this book, i'll probably just plan it out as i go on and let you guys know once i have sorted out the practicalities. There are also no OFFICAL plans for this to be the last book- I dont think it will be (it shouldnt be?) but again time will tell. 

So thats all the updates from me, down below ill just be putting a face claim directory of the main characters. See you next sunday in

AU4 Chapter 1: Groundbreaking

Ethan and V face the reality of having a public relationship... and garner themselves a lot of attention in the process.


My social medias are: @ohmyramsey for all Ethan and Valerie/AU Content

@theohramsey - my private account for AU readers, where there is special content and where I am most active on a one to one basis.


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Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now