Groundbreaking: AU4 Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: AU4 is here! And the time we have been waiting for has arrived. Now the whole hospital and world knows about the engagement of foctor ramsey and doctor valentine, what can the couple expect as third year comes to a colse? In todays chapter, Ethan Returns home after being called out of state for work, and is welcomed by life changing news. Valerie struggles to come to terms with her public relationship, while the team have their first meeting since the engagement announcement...and opinions on the matter are shared. This is 'Groundbreaking' And I hope you enjoy! :

 This is 'Groundbreaking' And I hope you enjoy! :

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I love airports.

Maybe that comes from my love of the movie 'Love actually'. The movie starts and ends in an airport, while the voiceover talks about how love is all around us, especially in places we don't expect . The emotions seen in the greetings of the hellos, the sadness of the goodbyes... its the place to people watch, and realise how every person has a life different to yours- so intricate to a point we couldn't even begin to fathom. Asking questions the whole time of - where are they going? what are they doing- who are they visiting? who are they missing?

So I suppose now, as i sit in Boston Logan airport curled up on a seat in the waiting area on a late august morning...I can recognise that I'm feeling an abundance of those emotions, and can recognise  them in every individual that walks past. Longing and desire holding my heart more than anything else ever could.

But as my own distraction,  for the past 10 minutes or so, I've been looking up from the pages of my book, and waiting patiently.... Only to look down again, with a heavy sigh to continue where my thumb was pressed into the page.

Upon doing though this time however, I felt a little sadder than I had the previous times.

Then the gnawing thought of  'Maybe it was possible I looked away too fast?' hit me-

So I looked up again...

And this time...

There he was.

My eye widened, and a slow smile fell onto my lips as i put my book down and stood up. The same moment his roaming eyes found mine.

Blue, meeting brown, once again.


We smiled, and before I knew it, i was running over to him as fast as i could across the room, everything else merely fading into an abyss- an abyss i was all to familiar with when the world becomes just me and him.

He placed his bags down and caught me in his arms with a hefty chuckle as i giggled and he pulled me up his torso

"uff! hello there Valerie." he laughed as he held me close and tight

"I've missed you so much!" i smiled against his shoulder

"I've missed you so much too. let me have a look at you-"

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now