Cherished: AU4 Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE: The kitchen isn't the only thing getting a little steamy in this chapter :) Valerie's birthday continues as Ethan sets up the most perfectly perfect date night, full of nostalgia, longing and desire that becomes so much more as the night draws to a close...Meanwhile, all the way back in Boston at Edenbrook, James and Tobias are finding things a little hard without Ethan around....and find themselves with a problem they need to solve before the chief gets back. This is 'Cherished' and I hope you enjoy! :)

 This is 'Cherished' and I hope you enjoy! :)

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The sun still radiated its cosy warmth, even as the hours of the day became less and less-  yet even with all this excitement on my birthday, there was still so much of it left to experience. It feels like this should be it- the end of the celebrating. but actually, its just beginning. 

And I think for the first time in a long time, I don't want my birthday to be over....

From where we staying in Martha's Vineyard, Ethan and I lay  facing one another on top of the bed. I suppose a little tired after how eventful the day has been so far, but also wanting to bask entirely in the light and comfort we could find from simply being right here, in the now....

I'm still expecting a pager to buzz.

Or something else that means that this would have to end sooner, and yet the buzz never came... It never came because we could stay this way for as long as we desire and never experience an interruption because we were truly in our own little bubble. away from boston. away from edenbrook.

I myself felt truly at peace, and something about Ethan's eyes, told me he felt the same....

"Just how am I meant to do something even more amazing than this for your birthday, hm?" I smiled

He chuckled and raised a brow as he stroked a curl over my ear and said "no need. I have you."

I rolled my eyes and moved closer "now it's just you being modest. But you might have to give me some thinking room, then I can make your 40th birthday extra special..."

"Hmm... by the looks of things, I'll just have to keep you too it."

We laughed between us and I nodded "you better. But next birthday will be good too. You've given me something to aspire towards...."

He smiled as I kissed his lips, and he spoke against our touch "happy?"

"Immensely ...."


His arm went around under my waist, and  pulled me closer to him as our lips continued to brush. Never really meeting in a full kiss, but just tender touches and soft grazes....

After a moment he said "I hereby declare, that your birthday gets to span two days. Birthdays, if you will."

I laughed and said "but I was only born on one day."

Open Heart AU 4: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now