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Two days later, February 23


Kharisma sat in the driver's seat of her truck, parked in the large, circular driveway of the Thompson family's home. She had taken her left croc off so that her foot was planted in the seat while fiddling her thumbs and gazing out the windshield. There wasn't anything happening but the wind blowing leaves here and there, but it was fitting as she collected her thoughts from the heated and passionate conversation that had just happened.

It had been two days since their back and forth over what occurred at the lounge. Since then, this was their first time actually being on the phone as they'd just been sending the prayer back and forth, Caesar not wanting to talk and eventually the same for Kharisma.

Riz's phone sat in the holder on the dashboard while the low sounds of Caesar's television could be heard over the car speakers since Riz was connected to the Bluetooth. Caesar, laying in bed with his hood over his head, gnawed at the inside of his cheek before glancing over Kharisma's frame and breaking the silence.

"So what's the solution?"

"You been trusting me to be faithful in our relationship this long just as I have you. So don't call me talking crazy about things you should already be able to say "that's not even Kharisma" about. And you know I don't like the M.I.A shit; idk how you're feeling don't dodge me when we can just talk and get it over with. We've been together too long for you to be acting like that."

"Okay, I apologize for both of those and you're right that I know you and that our communication is too strong to have shit lingerin'. A nigga just been exhausted with school and practice and I didn't have the mental capacity to have the conversation but you was gonna press me— and yes baby, I know I should've just said that.

"Something I need from you is— I can't believe I'm sayin' the shit this far into our relationship... watch your body language with these niggas that ain't me— I really shouldn't have to say that. Ima remind myself that you didn't mean any harm but I don't wanna see you huggin' niggas from the front no more because all that contact is a no go, especially somebody I don't know," Caesar added, inhaling and exhaling deeply in efforts of not growing angry all over again.

"I respect it, I apologize, and I'll be much more mindful in the future. My big, juicy titties only supposed to touch you," Kharisma replied, hoping to make some light of the situation and smiled, knowing she was successful once Caesar smirked.

"You fuckin' crazy, man."

"You love it though, and I love you," Riz blew a kiss at the camera.

"I love you too, mama," Caesar blew a kiss back and began getting more comfortable in bed. After the long day of practice and class, he had plans of getting some good food and finally watching tv until it was time to rest; however, Caesar loved his woman with everything in him and he was willing to sacrifice those things until the next day in order to be on one accord with Kharisma again. 

"While we're here...," Kharisma started as she turned the truck off and began to gather her backpack, phone, keys, and the few groceries Victoria asked her to stop and get on the way home from classes, making a face of apprehension.

"Oh Lord, what?"

"You know your dad is getting out soon-"

Caesar cut Riz off immediately, "Ion wanna talk about that man, Kharisma."


"But nun'," Caesar cut Kharisma off again. She was contemplating being quiet out of irritation for being interrupted and the fact that they had just gotten back on the same page, but also felt like the conversation needed to be had. Riz chose the latter because her words were about more than Caesar's ill feelings towards his father.

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