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January 12, 2021


"You got everything? Wallet? Charger? Passport? MawMaw put you some allergy medicine in your carry on just in case you need it on the way."

"Kharisma, you done packed and unpacked the boy bags three times this mawnin'. He got it all. And if he ain't, they got CVS across the world," Caesar's grandmother, Mrs. Broussard, spoke before Caesar could respond, humor lacing her voice.

Riz smiled weakly and couldn't help but let out a laugh, realizing that she was truly doing a lot, but her intentions were always driven in purity, love, and care. Kharisma just wanted to ensure Caesar was prepared for the long trip and new chapter of life ahead of him, but knowing that she couldn't physically be by his side every step of the way was only adding insult to injury.

The night before, Riz stayed over Caesar's house so that they could all spend some final moments together, get up, eat a light breakfast, and head straight to the airport. That time went by much quicker than they would have liked and the group was then parked in the drop-off lane at Hobby International Airport.

"What time it is," Caesar questioned, patting his pockets for his phone, only for Kharisma to point to the front pocket of his hoodie with a raised eyebrow. Nodding his head with a nervous laugh, Ceez pulled the device out and clicked the screen to check the time. Seeing 2:47 a.m., Caesar realized he needed to get it moving to make it through TSA and get to the gate in time.

"I love you so much, mama," the man of the hour spoke, after placing the phone back in his pocket and turning to face his grandmother. Caesar kept his words short because he didn't want to cry again, as his eyes were already a bit sore from constantly wiping them the night before.

Since birth, literally, and then after Katrina took his grandfather, it had been Caesar and his MawMaw figuring shit out together. She was the only mother that Caesar ever knew and it was highly stressful and saddening to leave her in Houston alone while he went across the world. However, the Thompson family and his grandmother constantly assured that MawMaw would be good and that there was no reason to worry. However, Caesar couldn't help but be concerned for her and would just have to see for himself because he often believed that they couldn't live without each other.

"I love you too, my baby boy," MawMaw responded with a slight gleam in her eye and they wrapped their arms around one another, rocking side to side in the tender hug.

Like her grandson, MawMaw was also saddened by the beginning of this next season in life and truly realizing that the little boy who was once missing his two front teeth was now a grown man making his own decisions with a leveled head. Mrs. Broussard knew, though, that if she showed any signs of grief, Caesar was going to try to stay, and she didn't want that at all; Caesar had worked too hard and been through too much to not take heed of the opportunity awaiting him through the airport entrance.

"And I love you, baby girl," Caesar said when he released his grandmother and moved over to Kharisma who was waiting patiently for her turn, almost not wanting to give Caesar a hug because then his departure would become even more real for her than it already was. For the length of his contract, the couple wouldn't be able to touch each other or do any of the spontaneous things that they had gotten used to since returning home the previous March. This was a lot.

"I love you too," Riz spoke, feeling a deep pain in her chest as she and Caesar embraced one another. Biting her lip, Kharisma was the first to let go as the wanted to make sure that Caesar made it to his gate. Staring into his love's eyes, Caesar smirked before tenderly kissing Riz's forehead and then her lips.

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