Chapter 15

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(Y/n) West Pov:
I am beside my locker getting my books out for my next class, when i felt a pair of arms around my waist "hey (n/n)" beck said. "Ohh hey!! What are you?--" i said as i pulled him into a hug. "Missed me??" Beck asked teasingly. "Of course i did, i mean i have been thinking of you while i was in class." I said. We pulled out of the hug blushing, cause i mean i know that many people saw that. "That was so cute" someone said, I turned around and saw who it was, "tori, i-- i can explain." I said "i gotta go bye luv" beck said and messed with my hair. "So its now you and Beck huh..." tori asked with a smirk on her face "no its not." I lied to Tori, good thing she bought the lie.

Jade West Pov:
Me and Cat got to makeup class, and the teacher said we were late "Ms. Adriana?! We are 24 mins early, nobody is even here yet!!" I spat. Cat was Behind me because she was scared of what would have happened. "Jade, stop... pls..." Cat whispered. "You guys are right I must have missed looking at the time today. So sorry girls." Ms. Adriana said with a warm smile that almost made me puke. Sorry I just hate people smiling a lot. "Hey I'm here. Ohh!! Nobody is around yet." (y/n) said. "do you know that--" Cat started "Cat if you dont keep quiet over there I am going to hurt you real bad!" I yelled making Cat cry. "Jade, what was  that for?! Cat is very innocent okay." (y/n) said trying to make Cat stop crying

Beck Oliver Pov:
It has been 35 mins and I am starting to miss (y/n) already. "Hey man." Andre said. "hey." i said sadly "yo, whats wrong. this is not the Beck I know." Andre asked. "Gotta go bruhh, byee." Andre left and i stood in class sadly

A/n - hi bbys I just updated and this book is a sequel of 3 stories so stay tuned for the other 2 so basically the first is this one, the next is called ChildHood Friends and then the final story is called Do You Want Me Back?! and a special (as the final story) called A Perfect Life. love you guys and I am actually working on Childhood Friends

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