Not Becky || Adam's girlfriend

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Adam and Becky had been done for a little over a month when he died. It had taken him four days to get over her. It took her ten. But none of that matter, that being Adam and Becky, because five days after the break up he meant her.

Becky and Adam had a ten cent love affair that changed the way Becky looked at people. This was a good thing. They were hot and heavy and 100% in love, but then they were nothing. It was no ones fault. They were just too different and sometimes, no matter what high school dramas tell you, too much different can end the relationship. They didn't hate each other they just couldn't love each other anymore. It sucked for them, but not for her.

Adam was leaving the Dot one day when he ran into her, literally. He apologized as the smoothie fell, she laughed as the orange goo sloshed onto his shoe. He Laughed at that too.

He walked back in with her because he needed to replace his smoothie and she needed the company. She ordered first a coffee, lots of sugar and no cream. Then he ordered second a smoothie, mango.

It wasn't until after they got their drinks and sat down that he asked, "What's your name?"

She laughed, "Don't laugh," She was serious, ""

Adam chuckled, "That's cute, way cuter than Adam."

"Adam?" Cherry questioned. "Very manly."

"That's what I was going for," he shrugged, "It's better than Gracie."

"I like the name Gracie."

"I like the name...not being..." Honestly, Adam was being honest before she got too invested, if she was going to. "Gracie. Like I used to."

Cherry looked down, her drink was gone and her parents would be expecting her soon. "Well..."

Adam thought this was the end. Cherry would become a girl that didn't want him.

"Well Adam, I do believe you need my number." She pulled out her phone, "And I need yours."

Adam was amazed, it was a good thing. A good thing that lasted until the day he died.


Cherry found out Adam was dead two days after he died. She didn't think much of it because he was out in the wilderness and they were fairly new and she wasn't obsessive. It helped that they weren't in love. They weren't there yet. They were working on that, but they never had time to get there.

She found out when someone used his FaceRange to post this status:

"Most of you know about Adam's car accident, but what you don't know is Adam died in surgery two days ago. We are holding up as best we can, but no, we are not okay. Calling hours will be thursday 11-2 and 5-7. The funeral will be Friday 11. Learn from this, don't text and drive."

Cherry fell to the floor. She didn't even know about his accident. She felt like a terrible girlfriend, only she wasn't a girlfriend anymore. It was a depressing thought. It was a terrible thought. It was a terrible reality.

Cherry's boyfriend was dead.

They wouldn't be celebrating their anniversary. They simply wouldn't be.

Tears didn't come. She wanted to, well she didn't want to, but she knew she should. Her boyfriend was dead, but she was numb.

Other people weren't.

She looked at Adam's wall and saw comments such as:

"RIP Adam."

"Only the good die young."

"We're all gonna miss you, Adam."

Not all of the comments are as cheesy.

"I don't know how any of this is possible. I saw you three days ago. Three. I couldn't believe when I heard about the accident. Let alone this. Adam, I don't know if you can see this. But if you do: fuck you. How could you die? I mean, texting? You yelled at me for this! I'm alive today because of you and you're dead. Adam, YOU WERE SHOT AND TEXTING KILLED YOU!!! HOW??? Life pretty much sucks knowing you're gone. I mean, we were suppose to go to that radio show next month. You had a life. Now you'll go down as the guy that was texting and driving. What a cliche. OK so what I'm trying to say is, I miss you Adam."

It was posted by some guy named Dave, Dave was the guy that Adam did the radio show with. Cherry remembered Adam telling her that. Cherry "liked" the status.

There were other status from names Cherry remembered Adam mentioning like Ali, Jenna, Conner, Sav, and Clare. Cherry didn't see anything from his mom or brother, nothing from Dallas or Eli. Although from what Adam said posts on FaceRange didn't seem like something Eli would do. Cherry wanted to say something, post anything to let the world know she cared, that she wasn't a numb piece of crap. Plus all Cherry wanted to type out was "Happy One month xoxo <3"

So she didn't post anything. Instead, she closed her laptop and spent the next eight hours in a cold tub. However, to be fair, it did start out warm, in fact, it was boiling. Her skin stung when she went in, and it was frozen when she got out. Neither the hot nor the cold made her get out of the tub because frankly, there was no point.


Thursday morning 6:00 AM.

There's something to be said about not sleeping. For four days. Of course, Cherry knew she had slept a little over the last few days, or she'd be dead.

Her parents asked her what was wrong and all she did was hand them her phone. It had Adam's FaceRange on it. She never stopped looking at it.

Finally, she got out of bed and got ready to go. After all, today was the day.

Cherry didn't know what to expect. She and he weren't together long, but they were still dating. She expected something. What did she get? At 11:05 she walked into the stone Funeral home. At 11:19 she saw a box that held her boyfriend. That was the only person she knew. No one asked who she was. No one cared.

Loud weeping came from a direction away from the family. Cherry recognized the girl immediately. Adam didn't keep secrets. He told her all about Becky. Even showed her pictures from a road trip they took about four weeks pre-breakup. Now she was crying and people were all around her. People were comforting her because she was the ex-girlfriend of the dead kid. No one even knew who Cherry was.

Cherry was the girlfriend of a dead boy.

Older relatives littered the place. Mostly talking about Gracie. It was annoying, but also sweet. Because the older folks, who were the great relatives never met Adam, so although Adam was Adam and not Gracie, Gracie was who they knew, who they would miss, which was annoying, but you can't miss someone you don't know. Few of them would mentally slap themselves when they called him Gracie, and that was sweet.

Cherry went to calling hours at 11 and hung around, in the back until 2, at which point she drove to the store, bought a two pints of rocky road ice-cream and a pack of plastic spoons. Then she drove to the park, where she and Adam had their first date, and ate in her car.

When she came back around 2, no one questioned her. She hung around and thought about Adam. She didn't cry.

Cherry knew Adam wasn't always "Adam," but he was Adam, and that's all that mattered to Daisy.

For a short time Adam was all that mattered to Cherry.

Now nothing mattered.

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