Chapter 11: Litte Goji's story

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After there long trip they finally made it back to there base and they quickly run out to find (Y/N) and Velvet. Of course everyone looked at the Nivied's strangely as they were wearing strange gear on.

James: So you said we needed (Y/N) but how are we going to convince him? He did decline you didn't Doctor Oobleck right?

Omhu: Well the two Y/N's are cousins right?

Weiss: Yes.

Omhu: Then if he knows the dangers his cousin is in. Then he shouldn't refuse.

Back with Y/N he was waking up his vision was blurry but finally he could see clearly now and he sees the Dino kids and most of the other teams and that he was laying on the couch.

Swoop: Look he's awake.
Everyone looks at him relief that he's ok.

Y/N: Hey guys. Is everyone ok?

Ruby: Us? We should be asking you if your ok.

Ren: You did take a drill to the thigh.

Weiss: But that was seriously foolish!

Y/N: Yeah I know. But I was the only one who could stop it. But I'm sorry I worried you.

Slash: We are too.

Y/N: Wait... You guys—

Grimlock: Yeah we kinda felt guilty about what happened to you so yeah. But I think I can speak for all of us that we are truly truly. sorry.
Ruby sighs as she all looks at the others.

All the girls: Fine we forgive you.
The Dinobots and Y/N smiled at each other.

Ruby: But you all are still grounded.

Yang: That includes you lizard boy.
They all grown in disappointment.

Pyrrha: Well dinner is ready.

Sludge: Yes I'm starving.

Y/N: Yeah it's been awhile since I ate anything.
Y/N was about to get off the couch when all of Team RWBY got in front of him.

This startled Y/N a bit.

Ruby: Oh sorry about that. We didn't mean to raise our voice like that.

Blake: We just want you to stay on the couch.

Y/N: Well how am I going to get my food.

Ren: We'll get it for you.

Nora: So you keep your little adorable self there ok.

Y/N: Ok.

Yang: Hey guys I'm going to stay with Y/N and talk to him for a bit. So if you could.

Ruby: Oh yeah right. Let's go guys.
They start to walk off as Yang looks at Y/N.

Yang: Hey little guy.

Y/N: Hey.
There was a bit of silence before Yang said something.

Yang: Hey kid about what you said. Back when we were walking to the Train. I just want you to know that. You don't have to distance yourself from us.
Y/N looks up at Yang but then looks down.

Y/N: I'm not distancing myself.

Yang: Now that's a lie. Look kid. You might not be from our universe but that doesn't mean that doesn't mean that you have to distance yourself from us.

Y/N: Well I don't want to intrude In your family and—

Yang: Your not intruding in our family.

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