Chapter 7: Travling to another universe

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Y/N was falling through the portal shocked and amazed at what's happening as he sees all sorts of colors around him but was interrupted when Mechagodzilla hit him in the face then lifted its arm and smashed it down on Y/N head it then grabbed Y/N mouth and pride his mouth open and got ready to shoot his proton beam in Y/N mouth but Y/N shoot his atomic breath and so they have another beam struggle as they caused another explosion in there face Mechagodzilla let go then Y/N managed to grab his arm and throws him behind him then with all of his powers Y/N shoots a powerful atomic breath. Into Mechagodzilla chest as he starts to get pushed back and Mechagodzilla chest starts to become more damaged then they finally exited the portal Y/N stops shooting as Mechagodzilla falls into the ocean making a big splash but Y/N sees he's about to fall onto the ground he lands makings a huge Crater he transforms into his kid form he tries to get up but is to exhausted to from the fight he had with Mechagodzilla to stand up he starts to think about Yang as he rest his head onto the ground. He then feels the ground beneath him shack as he looks up to see a mechanical T rex standing over him. He closes his eyes again fainting.

Meanwhile with team WBY and the rest of the group they were heading back to remnant as the Nivied's were fixing there weapons.

James: So um we never got your names.
They all look back as the leader who spoke to them hours ago stands up.

???: Oh yes your right.
points to the buff one.

???: That is Drinkuks he's the muscle of the team.
Drinkuks flex's his muscles.

Drinkuks: Yeah!

???: That is Vreds he is the one who helps build and repair our weapons but don't underestimate him he can still put up a fight. The next one is—

Nuvivid: I'm Nuvivid! And I'm the scout!
He growls as he is now ready to speak.

Omhu: And I'm Omhu the leader. I make the plans of how we should do things.

Weiss: They said you were the order. What is that?

Omhu: You know how your world has Police and huntsman. We're like that.

Yang: So those guys we were fighting there criminals?

Omhu: Yes. You see years ago in my our home planet Zelkax had a civil war it was about if we should invade other planets or not. My parents was one of those who believed that taking over planet's was a heinous act. But the war made the people realize what the aftermath of an invasion could look like for the people of there home world. So it was finally decided that there would be no invasion's. But there were some who wanted to invade planets but for years they were kept in cheek until today.

Blake: What do you mean? What happened?

Omhu: Well you see we didn't know there was an invasion group being made until it was too late so we are assigned to stop them how ever we want.

Nivied: Yeah.
She then shows her gun.

Back with Y/N. Y/N was still asleep but then felt something poking his spines.

??? 3: (Muffled voice) Why are you doing that?

??? 2: (Muffled voice) I'm checking if he's ok.

??? 4: Slag. Off.

Slag: *Growns* Fine!
Y/N starts to move his body his eyes start to flicker open he looks at his surroundings and sees a bunch of kids who look like there the same age as him but then he looks up and to his surprise he saw his aunt Ruby he starts to tear up.

Y/N: Auntie Ruby.
Everyone grows a shocked expression.

Pyrrha: Wait little one what did you say?

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