Chapter 6: Mechagodzilla attacks

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Y/N and Ceasar were walking down the castle Ceasar Growns as he falls on one knee Y/N gives a worried grunt but Cesar looks at him trying to show he's fine.

Weiss: Even though he's in pain he still determined to go on.

Blake: Yeah he reminds me of Yang.

Yang: Hey!
They all laugh.

James: You were right. Your son had this in the bag.

Yang: Yeah. He has my fighting my fighting spirit so I'm not to surprise.

Blake: Hey babe.

Yang: Oh hello.
James looks at Yang then at Blake.

James: Oh right I'll just get up. Here have my seat.

Blake: Thank you.

James: Your welcome.
James walks off.

Yang: Wow it's crazy how far We've gotten.

Blake: What do you mean?

Yang: Well just think about it. When we went to beacon did you ever expected us to be dealing with Giant Kaiju's and exploring the world under our world.
Blake chuckles as she holds Yang's hand.

Blake: You make a great point.

Yang: And we went from being a broken team because we lost the trust of my sister to getting her back. And I would have never expected to have a beautiful girlfriend and a lovable and adorable son along a way.

Blake: Well you earned it. Every last drop.
Blake leans her head on Yang's shoulder and Yang rested her head on Blake's.

Meanwhile back at the unknown location the giant Mech eyes started turn red as it's tail slides behind it and the backs starts to move back and it stands up giving a load roar.

Figure 1: Hmm you made it look like Godzilla.

Figure 2: Well they do say that Imitation is a sincerus form of flattery. But yes that is the point it's supposed to to look like him. To share his intimidation. Here let's me show you our first test Release cage 13.
The restaurants start to burst op as smoke comes out and something starts to bang the open the door and finally the door bust opens to reveal a skullcrawler it roars as it looks at the mechanicals monster swirling it's tail and as it's tongue slurp out. the Mech stared down at the creature as it roars again and charges at the Mech and jumped at him but the Mech caught the skullcrawler and restrained it by grabbing it's arms and stretched it Skullcrawler  struggles to get out as The Mech opened it's mouth as it charged it's beam attack.

 the Mech stared down at the creature as it roars again and charges at the Mech and jumped at him but the Mech caught the skullcrawler and restrained it by grabbing it's arms and stretched it Skullcrawler  struggles to get out as The Mech opened i...

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