Chapter 10: Being brave for Yang

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I don't own this art work.
All the Dinobots where Amazed by what they saw and where impressed as well.

Sludge: Wow that was amazing! So that's what Y/N form looks like!
Slam grunts as he nods his head.

Slag: I never would have expected his form to look like that!

Grimlock: Well let's hope he's ok.

Qrow: Hey have any of you seen Swoop?
All the Dinokids froze as they realized Swoop wasn't back yet.

Slash: Um well... You see.

Swoop: I'm right here.
Qrow turns around to see Swoop behind him the Dinokids sigh in relief.

Qrow: Ok that's everyo-
Qrow stops mid sentence realizing that somethings not right.

Snarl: Uhh Mr Qrow why did you stop like that?

Qrow: Wait a sec.
He starts counting the kids then finally he figured out what was wrong.

Qrow: Wait a sec where's Y/N?
As Grimlock is about to answer they hear a door bust open and they see Team RWBY and JNPR running with Y/N in Yang's arms.

Yang: Hey we need a doctor! Do we have a doctor!
Then a man walks up to them.

Doctor: I'm a doctor I've been helping all the people here. What's wrong?
Yang then shows the door Y/N and even tho his clothes were still intact he could see the Blood Stanes getting bigger in his pants.

Doctor: Goodness.

Ruby: Can you help him?

Doctor: Yes. Put him right there.
He points to to where his equipment is he sets up a towel for him to lay on Yang gently put him down on the towel as she put her hand on his chest.

Doctor: You don't mean mind if I-

Yang: Do what ever you need to do.
The Doctor nodded as he started to cut Y/N pants to get to his wound and he was surprised that the wound look like a hole it wasn't too big but still big enough for the doctor to be shocked.

Doctor: Oh my oum.
The doctor takes out a disinfectant so his wound won't get infected but as soon as he did Y/N eyes opened as he screams in pain and pushes the doctor at a very far surprising him and everyone else. Y/N Growns in pain but then Yang grabs his hand to calm him down Y/N then looks at Yang and sees her worried eyes and also sees he's holding his hand.

Y/N: Miss Yang?
Yang then shacks her head.

Yang: You don't have to call me that. But we'll talk about that later. Right now we need you to let the doctor heal you.

Y/N: But it hurts so much.
Yang then puts her robotic arm in his cheek as she rubs it with her thumb.

Yang: I know it hurts I know. But it's the only way to fix you up. I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that for me.
Y/N looks to the side but then nods

Yang: Here.
She then places his hand on her hand that's holding his then she is places her robotic hand over his.

Yang: Hold it tightly ok.
Y/N nods the Doctor then walks towards them as he lifted up the cut up pants to see the wound.

Doctor: Alright this is going to sting kid.
Y/N then held onto Yang's hand tightly as he sprays the wound Y/N growns in pain as he is holding back the tears.

Doctor: Alright I'll was it with a cloth I'll need someone to hold his legs since it's going to be a natural instinct to move his leg.

Blake: I'll do it.
As Blake was about to hold down his legs Grimlock says something.

Grimlock: I'll do it.

Ruby: Uhh Grimlock I don't think you should-

Grimlock: We seen what happened to the Doctor if Blake tries she will for sure go flying. So I'll help.
Grimlock holds Y/N legs as the doctor grabs the cloth and starts to clean his wound Y/N starts to scream as his instincts kick in and try's to kick his legs but Grimlock is holding his legs down his tail flails around but he managed to to keep himself still so the doctor can continue his work but then the Doctor touched a certain part of his wound and Y/N gives a roar of pain.

The doctor backs up a bit and everyone was shocked to hear it.

Y/N: I'm sorry. Don't... Stop.
The doctor continues as Y/N continues to grown in pain then finally The Doctor wraps the bandages around his leg.

Doctor: It's done.

Yang: You did great kid.

Y/N: Thank... You.
Y/N then falls asleep.

Doctor: He is one tough kid.

Ruby: Yeah. You have no idea.

Doctor: Welp my job is done.

Qrow: Well now we got the kid all banged up we can take the train after-

Doctor: I wouldn't advise that.
They all look at the doctor.

Doctor: That train ride is very bumpy and it wouldn't be good for him. especially since he's wounded.

Ruby: He dose make a fair point.

Sludge: So now what do we do?

Ozpin: We go back. And wait for him to heal.
They all nodded as Yang starts to carry Y/N.
As they begin to walk back Grimlock could see the Slag was upset about something.

Grimlock: Slag what's wrong?

Slag: It's nothing mind your own business.

Grimlock: (Sighs) What's wrong?

Slag: It's the new kid.
Grimlock looks at Y/N.

Y/N: What about him.

Slag: He's just so. Touchy.

Grimlock: What do you mean?
Slag then sighs in frustration.

Slag: Look at him!

Grimlock: What because Yang is carrying him.

Slag: That and he might be calling her mom it's just so weird.

Grimlock: Hey give the kid a break. He traveled from another universe.

Slag: That's still not an excuse.

Grimlock: Slag in his universe Auntie Yang was the one to adopt him and take him in when he was an orphan. It's natural for him.

Slag: It's dosen't weird you out?

Grimlock: Well it used to. Until I learned more about him. And I think you'll learn more about him too. If you give him a chance.
Slag scoffs as he walks off as Grimlock sighs.

Meanwhile with on of the Nivied's was stomping on the ground multiple times.

Nivied: Why that little atomic breath pip squeak! He ruined everything!
He growls in frustration but then hears a voice behind.

???: Ahhh I see you are struggling.
The Nivied quickly turns around aiming his gun but sees nobody then something shoots the gun out of his hand the figure then un cloaks to reveal Shockwave.

Shockwave: Please calm your self I'm not here to fight. I am here to talk.

Nivied: Likely story.

Shockwave: You know I could have killed you if I wanted to. Right.
The Nivied thinks about it then realizes he's right.

Shockwave: I have to say what you have created is impressive but it seems your Mecha King Ghidorah is still in the works and Mechagodzilla needs some urgent repairing.

Nivied: Can you help repair it?

Shockwave: Yes. And more.

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