27. Revelations

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Harry's POV

"That was the worst phone call of my life."

Louis stood across from me on the balcony scowling into the darkness of the city outside. I was smoking and he was annoyed, but resigned to stand a few feet away so that he could air his complaints to me about Melvin.

"He's not that bad," I reasoned. "I've literally called you for so much worse, I guarantee."

Louis seemed to shudder at that thought. We both knew it was true. Instead of responding to that he said, "Also he won't do dinner for me. He said he'd give me 20 minutes at a party to wow him." Louis frown somehow got deeper.

"Well that's not nothing," I told him.

"He says I have to bring you."

I stiffened at the thought. Truthfully, I hadn't considered that even though it was the obvious next development. Melvin loved me. I should have seen it coming.

"I can't do that," I said carefully. I regretted letting the words leave my lips but it was the truth. Melvins parties had been consistently risky. I never left one sober. The drinks were free and plenty. "I haven't even left the house in weeks."

Louis face fell in disappointment . I wondered what he was thinking. Did he know the risk posed if I were to put myself in that situation? Did he know what he was asking?

"It's more than a month away," he said hopefully. He seemed to think for a moment before saying, "No. You're right. I'll just have to tell him your not—"

"Wait," I said. I took a deep breath. I had been suddenly struck by how much I owed Louis. He wanted this so badly. Despite my teasing, I was very aware of that. I wanted to help him. I wanted to set a precedent of being reciprocal and setting myself aside for him too. "I changed my mind I'll do it."

Louis looked confused. "Are you sure?"

I shrugged and tried to play off the bubbling anxiety. "Yeah. It'll be good."

"But you just said—"

"Louis." I stopped him with the wave of my hand, putting my cigarette out. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Mate. I got this. Mel loves me. I'll totally help you out."

I left him there looking confused so that I could freak out about what I'd just agreed to in peace.

As expected, as we approached the two week mark, Lux wasn't any closer to leaving. Louis was too awkward to say anything to her about it and Naomi was too loyal of a friend to question it. Weirdly, the household was more harmonious than I ever really remembered it being when it was just the two of us. I wondered if that was a product of my sobriety or some other newly found feminine force.

It had only been a few weeks since the incident but by all outside measures, I was thriving. I didn't leave the house at all except for a follow up at the hospital where I'd been given a good report on my health and a quick visit to the group again but nobody was asking me to do more than that. Last time I'd gotten sober, I'd gone back to working after just 2 weeks. This time, I had no reason to work and no desire to go out for anything other than a cigarette. Truthfully, I was pretty convinced that if I went out I'd probably relapse immediately. That seemed like something I would do.

Naomi continued working for some unknown reason. Louis had his piano delivered and placed it in the corner of his bedroom, where he spent most of the passing days playing and writing, working on songs for Melvin. He was intensely worried about it but he was the best songwriter I knew. I wasn't worried. Lux spent most days bothering me. She didn't seem to have many hobbies beyond board games but I caught her drawing in a notebook often. She wouldn't show me, but Naomi told me she was an artist. She also had committed to reading my sobriety book. I'd given up after realizing I didn't like anything in it, but she was making progress.

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