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The true massage of this story is alot happens in life. We fall we almost die but we find happiness at the end. It may take time to find happiness but it does come. I found my happiness in friends and family. Happiness is a gift.

I lost alot of people I cared about throughout my journey, I learnt alot of things. I realized alot of my mistakes, I'm not perfect, my life isn't perfect. I got hurt but I kept going and all I achieved was thanks to those who stood by me and I'm so grateful to each and everyone of them.

My friendship with Sandra proves that enemies can be friends.

My friendship with Debby proves that, there true people out there and that there are people that will stick with you throughout.

My friendship with Ashton shows that we shouldn't judge others. I thought Ashton was just a druggie but it actually turned out that he was helping Blake. We should get to know a person and try to find the good in them.

My relationship with Connor proves that we should learn to forgive even those who don't deserve it. Because life is too short.

My relationship with my parents prove that those who are close to us can also hurt us just as much.

My relationship with Blake proves that true love does truly exist. It's hard to find but can be so beautiful. It hurts but if it was meant to be it will find its way back to you.

This is my life and I live to tell it.

Authors note

Sorry it was so short. Hope you enjoyed.

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