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18 years later.....

Its been so long. Blake and I have twins now. Boys. And a little girl. Our twins are 15years old and our girl is 13years old.

We named our twins Connor and Cole. Cole is the smart one and resiponble on while his brother Connor is the badass.

Our girl is Sasha. We named her after Blake's mother. Blake is an amazing father. We both love our children very much.

Today is Christmas. Everyone runs to the tree and grab presents that have they name on it. Christmas is our favorite holiday as family. We love just being together and having singing  competitions. And Sasha and Connor always win. They even decided to have a band.

"I will go first", Connor says and grabs the gift that says from Sasha. He opens it "it a number." Connor says raising his eyebrows in confusion

"remember Tina. That's the girl who rejected you when you asked her number. Well i got her to give it to you. And oh you are going on a date tomorrow", Sasha says smiling.

Connor stands up and hugs her tightly. He puts her down and open the next gift "A new guiter. Thank you bro. I needed a new seens the other one broke on our last gig." He says and Cole smiles.

He opens mine "Two tickets. To my favorite band" he says and hugs me.

He opens the last one from his dad "car keys. No way."

"yep we can go pick it up today after noon", Blake says and Connor runs over and hugs him. "Group hug", Sasha shouts and we all jump into a hug.

We take turns and open our presents.

I set up the karaoke. Blake chooses 'perfect' by Ed sheeran.

Connor and Sasha pick 'intentions' by Justin Bieber.

Cole picks 'its you' by Ali Gate

I pick 'thinking out loud' by Ed sheeran.

We sing and dance while hours pass. I get a text from Debby saying that Sandra and her are waiting for me at our usual place. Seens our Christmas tradition as a family is over I can go.

I fix my outfit and make up. I then run downstairs and sneak out the house. It's currently 1am. I take the car and drive to the coffee shop.

I park the car and walk inside the coffee shop. I see Sandra and Debby waving at me. I walk up to them and take a sit.

"your late", Debby says folding her arms

"I could have just stayed at home.", I say rolling me eyes

"okay. Girls. Shall we order something", Sandra says and we take our menus. The waiter comes up to us.

"The usual", I say and he nods. Debby orders her usual and so does Sandra.

"why 1am in the morning?", I ask

Debby smiles "because I heard that there is a 50% special" he says

We get our drinks and I take a sip of mine. "let's make a toast. For how far we have come and didn't even loose contact. Cheers to a long lasting friendship" Debby says and lifts up her class.

Me and Sandra lift up our cups "Cheers"

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