Chapter 12

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I woke up and looked around. I see that I'm in the hospital. I feel all kinds of pipes plugged in me. My whole body hurts. The doctor comes in and smiles. She takes the pipe out my mouth and noise. "How are you feeling?"

I smile "I'm fine doctor. Why am I in the hospital", I ask

"well your friends and boyfriend bought you here" she says

"boyfriend. I don't -"

I get cut off when Blake comes in "oh here he is. Your boyfriend. He was the one who brought you here"

"that's right doctor. Can you give us some privacy" he asks and the doctor leaves.

"you told the doctor, that I'm your girlfriend" I ask

He smiles "well he wouldn't let me see you. She said only family members get to see a recovering patients"

I nod in understanding.

"Emily I sell drugs not because I want to or I need the money. I sell them because my uncle makes me. I sell them because he has my dad hostage. He told me that if I don't get them sold out he will kill my dad. I didn't want to but I do. Ashton isn't also a drug dealer, he does it to help me out. He sells them to help me with my uncle."he explains

"I get that but it's still wrong"

"I know and that's why I will make up for it. I got my uncle arrested and I will be serving my sentence. The cops are waiting outside for me." he takes my hand "I love you"

"I love you too. Blake"

He smiles "you wait for me right"

I nod "I will wait for you Blake. When you come back, we can build a life together"

A cops comes and says our time is up "oh here's a letter that Connor asked me to give you", he says and I take it and walk away.

I open the letter from Connor.

Dear Emily

I know I hurt you alot. I have been an asshole. I know that no matter how much apologize it can't fix what I did. I wrote this letter to tell you how sorry I am. I will prove to you that I'm truly sorry by giving my heart and lungs to you. We just found out that you have lung cancer and it damaged your heart. I died to save you. I died so I couldn't hurt anyone as much as I hurt you. Please come to my funeral and if you don't come I will understand. I hope you forgive me.

Yours truly Connor.

I read and read the letter over and over again. Connor was truly sorry and I didn't believe him. I didn't forgive him. I should have. I shouldn't have pushed him away. I want him to know that I really do care about him. I forgave him a long time ago. I just couldn't tell him that because I was afraid to get hurt.

Sandra and Debby walk in. They see the letter and they give me a hug. I cry in the arms letting everything out.

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