Chapter 8

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Today for the first time, the school called a meeting with all the learners and teachers. We are going to be meeting at the cafeteria today after all our classes are done. But right now we are having our first sports session. Everyone was going to the school leader board to see the options of sports we were given, apparently every student must have two or more sport that they will be choosing. Me, Blake, Debby and Alex were on our way to the leader board.
"so what do you guys think I should choose", Debby asks. She really is looking forward to this, me on the other hand isn't really a sport person.

"uh, I don't know, I think we should at least have one class together, so I can see you more", I say and she laughs nodding in agreement

"Hi guys", we turn around to see Sandra and Katelyn approaching us. We all wave and they walk with us. Blake nudges me "who is the blondy" he whispers and I laugh "Katelyn", I whisper back and he nods.

We reach the leader board and scan the list.


Honestly I wouldn't go with any of this I just will because it's for extra credit. "I'm definitely going for cheerleading and cooking", Sandra says excitedly

Debby rolls her eyes and scans the list and she smiles "I will probably go for running, cooking and cheerleading, I don't know about the last two because I really wanna avoid nasty witches", she says. I quickly put my hand over her mouth. Sandra smiles sadly. I really want to make Debby understand that Sandra isn't a bad person but she did ask me not to tell anyone.

After a few moments people start to go getting lunch. I stand there still don't know what to choose. Blake pokes me and I turn around "what do you think I should go for?", he asks and I look at the list again. What would suit Blake?
"Uhm, definitely basketball!", I say and he laughs.

"okay then basketball it is... So what about you?", he asks

"maybe cooking and running", I reply

"then seens I want to see you every day I will do cooking, basketball and running", he says and I blush. I turn red immediately.

We decided to go with those sports and go to lunch. We walk down the hallway and into the cafeteria, as soon I walk in an bowl of pasta is thrown at me. Meatballs and pasta falling down my face I look up to see Ashton laughing so is Connor. I stand there embarrassed again by my ex boyfriend. All the students in the cafeteria starts laughing. Tears start filling my eyes. Why me? Why do I have to go through all this? Why do I all ways become a victim?.

Sandra stands up from her table and gives me a tight hug. "are you okay?", she asks me. I nod but I can see she can tell I'm lying because she doesn't let go.


What an asshole. How could he hurt her this much. I have only known Emily for a while but I know she doesn't deserve this. She forgave Sandra for everything she did to her because she's a good person. She helped me and didn't judge me. She's a good person yet she always gets hurt. I see tears running down her cheek and I need to do something I can't let this slide.

I walk up to Connor and Ashton. "Who was it?", I ask clenching my fist.

Connor stands up "it was me so what?" he asks, Emily makes her way next to me. She turns me to face her "you don't have to. I'm used to this", she says crying

Seeing her like this breaks my heart. I take her hand "you shouldn't be used to getting hurt Emily. It's not right. He doesn't deserve your tears", I whisper

Connor laughs "YOU ARE REALLY A WHORE!. I MEAN HAVE YOU ALREADY SLEPT WITH THIS LOOSER!." he shouts. I turn around and launch my fist right through his face. He hits his back on the table, I grab his collar "you asshole. What! Does making defenseless girls cry give you power! Does it make you a man!", I shout and then someone knocks me down. I look up to see Ashton smiling down at me. He kicks me in the stomach making me wince in pain. And then suddenly a tray off food smacks him on the face. Alex then gives me a smile. I stand up and someone from the crowd screams "FOOD FIGHT!" and trays fly everywhere and fist get thrown on people's faces.

"I am so disappointed in you Mr Salvatore", the head mistress says. I look down. I couldn't say anything. One single plate and the whole cafeteria is full of food on the floor, there's not even space for you to walk.

Me, Connor, Ashton, Alex and Emily were brought here seens the kids from the cafeteria snitched. Sandra was also brought here seens she was the head of students.

"I'm sorry, mam, but someone had to do something about Connor bullying Emily", I say

"I understand but there are also rules to follow",she says. "so as your punishment you all will be cleaning the cafeteria, all night if that's how long it takes you. That includes you Sandra"

"what?! But mam! I wasn't involved", she whines

"you should set an example. You should have reported it to me", she says "now! you all go back to class!"


We walk back to class. We go inside and take a sit. I washed all the food off me but I still feel dirty. I suddenly get a headache. "Miss Robertson! Miss Robertson!"

I suddenly can't breathe. I feel my chest pain heavily my head aches rapidly. I then feel Blake's arms around me. His always there, my knight and charming armer.

Suddenly my vision goes black.

I wake up in the nurses office once more. When I wake up she gives me advice and let's me go. I walk out the office and see Blake sitting on a chair outside. "Blake", I whisper and he looks up and wraps his arms around me. He gives me a warm, tight hug. "I was so worried about you", he says

I pull away "I'm fine Blake"

"why do you keep fainting anyway?", he asks as we walk back to class

"I don't know. I guess I'm really sensitive", I explain.

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