Chapter 10

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I can't wait for the party. Especially seens I'm taking Emily. I decided to work all night so I can afford a new suite and rent a car. I work at a corn factory. We go to the farm and cut corn, peel it, wash it and stack them so they can be selled at the mall.

"why are you in such a good mood", Mike asks. Mike is my friend here at work. He was the one who got me this job. He is four years older then me, but his like my older brother.

I smile "she said yes. Now she's my date at the party tomorrow"

He nods "I'm guessing that's the reason why you working extra time so you can afford something to wear."

"yeah. I would like to buy a new suit and rent a nice car.", I explain

He laughs "you like her"

I laugh shaking my head. "nah man. She's just a friend"

"your in denial. Look, you working your ass off here so you can afford to make her happy. You want to prove your worth to her because you like her. If you didn't you wouldn't care less what she thought of you.", he points out.

"I do. I really do like her"

I know I want to protect her from anyone even Connor. Seeing her hurting because of him kills me. I want her to never cry because of him. I want her. I need her. I don't ever want to loose her. She gives me reason to want to live.


After work I go home. I walk for hours, today I couldn't hike a cab because I need the money for tomorrow. It takes me hours to get to the apartment, I go up the wooden stairs. Some of the parts of the stairs are broken and missing, its dangerous but it's not like any of us who live here have a choice.

I take out my key and open the door. I go inside and turn on the lights. It's died quite, which is oddly strange. I walk up to my uncles room but he isn't there. Thank God.

Seens I'm hungry I open the fridge to  get some food. But it's empty. I sigh and take out my wallet but the money inside is only enough for tomorrow. Running a hand in my hair I make my way to my room. I take a shower and change. I guess tonight I'm sleeping with an empty stomach. I fix my bed so I can go to sleep. I hear noises downstairs and I open my room door and peek, I see my uncle beating up some old and ugly man.

He beats up the guy and strandles him. "where's my money?!", he shouts

I gasp and shut my room door. If my uncle sees me, he will kill me. I grab my bag and clothes, someone starts banging on the door. "You better open this door!",he shouts. Guess he saw me.

I ignore him and pack more clothes. I also put my shoes inside and take all my savings. I open my window and and the door breaks open. I quickly get on the window but he pulls me back and I fall on the ground.

"you thought you could run away!", he shouts and lifts me up by the collar. "you know your an ungrateful little brat!", he punches me on my face.

I fall down and he starts kicking me. I try running away but he drags my leg back and I grab the glass on top of the table and smash it on his head. He falls on the ground and I grab my clothes that were everywhere and run out the door.

I run as fast as I can when I'm on the street. I don't stop until I reach Emily's house. I go inside and sit down on her porch. I debate if I should go in or not. I know I want to but do I need to?.

The last thing I want right now is to bother Emily with my problems. But I want her near me, I want her to hug me tightly, I need her close to me. But I don't want to get her involved.

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