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Now I know
What it takes
To just let go
And face my fate
Not a give a damn
I am who i am
Can't accept that
Get fucked, fam
You can't seem to say no
To every nasty ass ho
So I'll leave you to rot
Forget what you had dumb hos are all you got
Well, you know where the doors at, love
Are you hard of hearing I told you I'd had enough
No more lies, no more fables, it's over just get it
I'd draw it in crayon but even then you won't see this
You fucked up you used me you thought you were good
Boy you're no man and if you think you are I don't think you should
You had it all you gave it up
Guess what, I will never again give a f***.
You're getting old and it's starting to show
I stay the same amd I know
No worries love, I won't forget you
Believe me I've tried but my wish won't come true
Yes yhere was a time you were worth it all and more
But listen now, go get gone get through yhat fuckjng door
You did me bad worse yhan I would believe
That's your problem now I just want you to leave

Then a fat bird, all greasy and gross mistakes me for someone who would want to hurt you how dumb is this bird, like she dont know me like i mean that you and i are ever over, through this bitch, no teeth, but balls! says she gonna hurt you i should just wait and see while she takes all you got makes you pay for her being some dumb used up dead girl,shes shot oh, they think they know the you and me that was whole we are still there just show a rough side to carry on the show let them think all thats left is hate, lust, not friends just foe best to let them think that we are just people we used to know I got you, you got me, at the end of the day we know who we are no doubt know what we lost, what we could maybe get back if youd just shut your mouth regardless this last time, it hit me hard like a truck i told you to man up or go get fucked This bird thought youd hurt me for the last time thought it was safe and i was her new ally ha! but i should have known you had this delusional ego so i blame myself for warning you should have known you;d take it as a ruse think they need me, they wouldnt dare well dumbass, who had to find you at the bottom of your stairs four hours later, CPR, od'ed but breathing again strong heart my man, strong will for revenge not a second did i think you would leave me with your ghost you were my viking, my man, my heart, the one i love the most to be taken down by three daft ho's what a shame, a waste, no way to go so i hunted them all down as promised, they were found the boys turned away gave me the choice so i buried all three if those bitches for stealing my voice for what? afew hundred and a few grams of dope? the going rate for a father, friend, love of my life? NOPE. they didnt have to say goodbye, watch you die be told you were gone within those first few minutes, no lie your heart did beat, because it had to go on they didnt have too see your daughter, your fam, me, watch you being run by machines im still stunned

still wont believe youre really gone even after every blade cut them up like butter, done i left them two pennys each, irish even in hate so they could cross over, two shillings for the poor, delivered safe

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