Warrior child

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My mother told me we came from Vikings

She told me we came from Vikings we were strong

Said the men would come and go but mostly they went

The women barely noticed their absence, the men slipped their minds

I thought about them,the warrior women long gone

Thought of how I had to stop myself daily

Not to speak my mind, not to keep beating all those boys at their video games

Or else I would be labely difficult and shady

But all that time before the day I came to give in

I thought to them all go fuck yourselves you are lower than me

We come from vikings. Warriors is something we will always be

And if you arent one of us than you better get down on your knees

I'm a viking warrior. A worthy for though a lady I may be

The point to her story always ended with just me

It started with ancestors then ended like it had been written and told only for her and i

I had all of them standing beside me fighting hard to be free

Every night I waited. Wanting. Anticipating that the ending be full of me and mine

I grew up feeling so superior to all those beneath us, not a snob, but regal and special, high royalty 

My mother once told me,baby girl  dont fear them

Ur a viking princess ur more than anything you want to be

My mom she told me, she spoke so convincingly 

We were once vikings,  and today your a princess, a warrior and we are both free

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