Do Not Resuscitate

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Don't go

I whisper, to no one but the cat

I hope she hears me, somehow feels me

Has a sudden urge to fill in this sudden gap

My caged heart, still moves beneath it's cage

Though I know it wants to jump right out

Screaming "Do Not Resuscitate"

Oh, baby, you don't know what you mean to me, love

You would never come close to remotely just comprehend

There is no man alive today that would come close, my morning dove

To know my heart, it's only love, would not compare to even the pinky of your hand

Little bird, you are my all, my everything you see

you've been my always, my whole reason, even when unknown

Every morning, i open my eyes, can you hear me calling, even in dreams

heart to heart, can you feel me darlin', out here in the cold

When I go, I'll go only because I know

You'll be okay until we all meet up again

For now I'm one foot in, one out, half my heart, barely a soul

I can't go yet, likely you know, heart to heart, you're my whole soul

When they come for me, you let me go

Gone, I'll just get up and leave don't call out for me

By then you'll be fine, no need to know

How i suffered, either way, always, worth all this sorrow

My daughter, my love, you are all of me, worth more than all the weight in gold

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