Chapter 14

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Julia's POV:

I woke up in the morning because the sun was shining directly on my face. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. I still had to get used to getting up without having any headache from the drinks the night before. The first thing which came into my mind was Barnabas. I shouldn't have left him in the first place. Yes. He completely overwhelmed me with saying we have to get married but that's what he thought would be right. So I can't be mad at him anymore, since I'm expecting his child and I don't wanna end up as single mom. I already see with Elizabeth how this is gonna turn out and I don't want that. My only worry right now was that Barnabas doesn't want me back and already brought Victoria back. But that's a thing I needed to find out so I finally got up from the uncomfortable bed and got ready in the bathroom.

As soon as I was finished with getting ready in the bathroom, I left the hotel room and checked out at the checkout. I ordered a taxi to get me back to the hotel, where the Collins family stayed at the other end of the City.

After a 30 minute drive I finally was at the hotel again. I payed the taxi and got in. It was breakfast time so everybody was at the buffet right now and I could sneak up into my room without getting noticed from anyone. I got the keys and locked up the door to my room but I didn't expect what or better who was in it.

As I opened the door I saw that the windows were darkened and someone was lying in the bed and it wasn't some stranger. Throughout the soft light I saw that it was Barnabas who lied peacefully like a normal person in my bed and holding the sonogram of the baby, I kept in the bedside table. I couldn't help but smile at the image which was infront of me. He maybe was a human killing vampire but sometimes he was so adorable and I couldn't be more grateful to be with him.

I got closer to the bed and got down onto my knees and softly touched his cheek with my hand. He immediately reacted to the touch and opened slowly and confused his eyes. It was a matter of seconds as he noticed that it was me who was kneeling infront of him. He immediately got straight up and looked happier than I ever saw him.

3rd Pov

"Julia!" Barnabas said excited and immediately reached out to hug Julia. Even though she wasn't much into hugging, she really enjoyed it when Barnabas hugged her. Barnabas slowly moved away from her and started to hold her hands tight while looking deeply into her eyes. "You're here, I really thought I lost you. I never wanted to overwhelm you with anything, that's just how I am sometimes. I deeply apologise for everything. We don't need to get married immediately, we definitely can take our time and figure everything unsolved out. And we-"

"Barnabas." Julia interrupted him with a soft tone. "I forgive you in every way, you're literally my everything and I couldn't be without you. The last hours without you felt like years. And I also shouldn't have ran away immediately, it's just something I used to do when I get scared. So I'm also sorry about everything." And as soon Julia finished her sentence, Barnabas kissed her softly on her lips.

"I forgive you, Julia. I couldn't be mad at you whatever you'd do." Barnabas said as soon as they finished the kiss. Julia smiled back at him as he started holding her hand again. "Also I was very worried about the little vampire, so please never run away like that again." Julia smiled at that sentence and looked into Barnabas eyes again and whispering: "I promise."

As soon as they figured everything out, they went downstairs to get some breakfast. At least Julia wanted to get some, since Barnabas only needed some read liquid to drink. As they got to Elizabeth and the others, everyone was happy to see Julia again. "Are you fine Julia?" Liz asked immediately worried and looked at Julia, like as she's trying to find some injuries or anything. "Yeah I'm good. Just needed some time to think but now I'm back." Julia smiled and sat down with Barnabas.

After breakfast Barnabas suggested to go outside for a little walk with Julia. Of course he had to wear a disguise to cover his skin from the direct sunlight but for Julia he'd do anything. Of course Julia agreed and they both started to walk through the streets of the old city.

"Have you thought about names, yet?" Barnabas randomly asked as they were 10 minutes into the walk.

"Not really, it's kinda difficult to find good names these days since I don't wanna choose two overused names."Julia explained to Barnabas while shrugging with her arms. "But I always loved the name Aurora since my favourite Disney movie princess is the sleeping beauty."

"We definitely need to watch this movie in the near future so I can be educated on your favourite princess, but Aurora is actually a beautiful name, I like it." Julia giggled at that answer. "So we're gonna stick with-"

"'Shhh." Barnabas interrupted Julia, who immediately turned quiet. "What is it, Barnabas?" She asked now worried looking at him while they continued walking. "Have u noticed that the guy with the blonde haor and red jacket is following us, since we left the hotel?" He asked now, while walking.

"Now that you said it, yes."


ey yall, I know it's been a while but gladly not as long as my last break!
Take the chapter as a lil Halloween gift from me to yall.

Today I rewatched dark shadows again and thought about this fanfic and now I continued writing it. Don't expect me to post properly but now that I found my storyline again, it shouldn't take as long for me to write the next chapter :)
Anyways it's 1am rn so I better sleep

Thanks for reading I love yall<3
Bye Bye🦋

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