Chapter 7

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"Are you looking for this?" Ask she in a triumphant voice.
"Carlolyn, give it to me." I demand, but she just does not give it to me.
"I think that explains everything, of course, so you do not just get fat." This poisonous little bean!
"Carolyn ... give it to me, NOW, this is none of your business." She just doesn't give it to me! Does not she understand anything? Nobody else is allowed to know it except me and Liz!
"Who is the father? Is it such a guy you towed on one of your drunken nights?" How dare she! What does she think of me? I'm not a prostitute! And I've sleeped only once with somebody in my drunken state. I'm not attractive enough when I'm drunk.
"No, it's not, it's from a normal man I know well and now just give me this damn photo!"
"Do I also happen to know this man?" Arg ... What are all these questions ?! This curious brat !!
"You don't have to know that."
"So I know him?"
"It's none of your damn business, okay ?! Now give me this picture now!"
"Easy, you have to spare yourself."
"You mean little-"
"What's that screaming?" Elizabeth!
"Hey Mum." Carolyn now means with raised eyebrow.
"What are you two doing here?" Elizabeth puts her hands on her hips and looks at us both.
"Did you know that there will soon be a new family member in our family?"
"Even if it surprises you, but yes, I already knew that." Carolyn falls silent and looks at her mother.
"And if you go to your room please, I'll talk to you later."
"I-but- okay." Carolyn put the picture in my hand and disappears.
"What exactly happened?" Elizabeth does not seem to have the best mood.
"I just lost my picture and Carolyn found it."
"What picture?"
"The ultrasound image." Oh God, Elizabeth never saw the picture...
"You have an ultrasound picture of the babies?"
"Yes, you always get that at the first examination." I mean meekly now, so as not to upset Elizabeth any more. "Does that mean that Carolyn now know-"
"Yes, of course she knows!" I'm screaming at Elizabeth now. Why am I even yelling at her?
"Then I should talk to her as soon as Angelique and the rest of the city know." Why does she mention Angelique?
"Angelique? What does the witch have to do with it now?"
"I- nothing. It just was not so daring anymore."
"Liz?" I demanded now.
"It's just that you might be in danger."
"What do you mean exactly?"
"You know, she's crazy about Barnabas."
"Barnabas had told me about a meeting with Angelique and-"
"And what?"
"Angelique said she would destroy Barnabas if she could not have him."
"What does that have to do with me now?"
"I mean just that she killed Barnabas Lover one time and I do not think she's reluctant to do it again."
"But I'm not his 'Lover'."
"Of course not, you only went to bed together once."
"Elizabeth ..." I am now annoyed by her sarcasm.
"Oh, Nothing... where is he?" I ask.
"No, the other man in my life." Now it was my turn to use sarcasm.
"You have another man?" The point goes back to Liz.
"Grhm ... Do you know where he is now?"
"He drove to Angelique 45 minutes ago to ask her to take this curse from him, but please don't ask me why, he just said it was because of an important person." Important person? Does he mean me? Definitely not. He just wants Victoria...
"Okay." At that moment, we both hear a loud bang from the coastal village. We both run to the window and see something in flames downstairs. And it looks like it's the Collins factory.
"What happened there?"
"I don't know, but I have a very bad feeling about it." Ouw...  I'm easily back when I got dizzy.
"Julia, is all okay?" Elizabeth immediately supports me and leads me to her chair.
"Yeah, all is right, I just need a drink of water and nothing more." Elizabeth nods and goes to the small side table, pour me a glass of water and bring it to me.
"Thank you." I mumble. At that moment, the door opens slowly and David comes in.
"Auntie Elizabeth?" He asks with his dino in his arms.
"What is David?"
"Do you know how long Barnabas has already gone?" That's true. He's really gone a long time.
"Oh, er, he's been gone for an hour now I think."
"I go to my room and rest."
I decide now and go out of dining room.
I go up the stairs. When I'm finally in my room, I'm exhausted. The way from the dining room to my room has never been so exhausting.
I put the picture back in my nightstand, then I lie down on my bed and close my eyes:
"I love you Julia and I will always stay with you A day without your smile is a lost day You and the two little beans will always be protected by me I could never forgive myself if something happened to you or our babies . "
"If I can not have you Barnabas, then no one else can have you, even if I have to kill Julia, it will never be over!"
I wake up. Now sitting in my bed and trembling on my whole body.
Where are you Barnabas?

~ to be Continued ~

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