Chapter 11

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Barnabas sight:

I run through the woods in hope that I'm not too late. I can't be too late. If I lose Julia now too, my life doesn't make sense anymore. I would try anything to kill myself if it did. But let everything be okay. I already see the end of the forest. I'm getting closer. To my relief, I also see something orange. Julia? I keep thinking and screaming her name as loud as I can. I'm finally out of the woods and see Julia now clearly, but the cliff is approaching. "Julia!" I scream again, but she doesn't hear me, doesn't turn around and keeps walking.

I keep running and Julia is getting closer and closer to the cliff. Why doesn't she hear me? There are only 5 steps left for her to reach the cliff. I run as fast as I can, 3 steps, 1 step. I take her hand before she can take another step. She turns to me in confusion. I can see her coming to her mind again. She's save. I am not too late.

"Wha-" when she sees us standing at the bottom of the cliff, she panics and clings fast to me. She seems quite confused, so I hug her and try to calm her down. I'm so relieved she's fine. I walk slowly with her away from the cliff, while she's hugging me.

"It's okay, you're safe." I say quietly to her as she trembles.

"What about Angelique?" She asks me unsettled and looks up at me. I look deep into her beautiful brown eyes.

"She will never come back." I assure her and stroke an orange hairstrip out of her face. "You're so beautiful." I whispered to her. I see, in the moonlight, how Julia blushes. I would like to pause the time now and live that moment forever. After a short moment, I notice how Julia starts to shiver again. I take her small tender hands in mine and notice how cold she is. "You're freezing cold, we have to go back." I say then and Julia nods in agreement.

"Thank you for saving me." Whispers Julia to me with her tender voice.

"I would always save you." I answer, before I dare it and put my lips on hers. I kiss her with all my feelings that I feel for her. She kiss back . Now we stood at the cliff, the moon shining in the background, the water at the end of the cliff was clear, so that the moonlight reflects. As our lips part, we look each other into the eyes again.

"We should go back." Says Julia then and breaks the silence.

"Yes, we should." I agree with her. As we start to walk, Julia start to shake. Of course, I notice it and hurry to help her. "I carry you." I suggest and want to take Julia already in my arms, as she protests.

"No Barnabas, it's okay." She explains with a smile, but I would not let that happen.

"Are you sure?." I ask her then worried.

"Yes, I can go alone." Julia said, smiles at me and casually rolls her eyes.

"If you say that." Then I say with a shrug and we go through the forest. We walk side by side, no one speaks. When I look at her, the bright moonlight illuminates her orange hair. We keep walking. Through the silence, I feel more and more uncomfortable. That's why I spontaneously take her tender hand in mine. She looks up at me and smiles shyly. Then we both focus on our way again. After a short time we finally arrived at my property, which is now in flames.

"Oh my God." Whispers Julia when she sees her old home, all my pride in flames. I stroke Julia's back of the hand to calm her. Then we both approach the house. Elizabeth, who is waiting for me with David, Carolyn and Willy, sees me and Julia immediately and comes to us worried.

"Julia, Barnabas, are you alright, what happened?" Ask her immediately and it seems relieved that we are both here. Julia and I take a quick look before we go back to Liz.

"I'll tell you later what happened, but I can assure you that we're both fine." I assure her and see out of the corner Julia, who agrees and my statement by nodding.

"I called a hotel down in the city and we will stay there for the next few weeks." Explains Elizabeth, me and Julia. Then Elizabeth calls two cabs and a few moments later I get into a taxi with Julia and David. Since Carolyn is still a werewolf, she stays out for the night and comes to the hotel tomorrow morning.

Julia, David and I took place in the backseat. He seemed exhausted and therefore quickly falls asleep on the short drive. His head is on Julia's  lap and she starts to run her hand through his hair. She will definitely be a great mother.

When the taxi stops in front of the hotel, I take David in my arms and carry him so he does not wake up. Shortly afterwards, Willy and Elizabeth arrive in the second taxi.

We all go to the hotel and check in. After a short while I find myself in my room. Julia is right next to the room, but I miss her. I'll let her sleep for the first time and tomorrow morning I'll go to her ...

The next morning I wake up relatively early. I miss Julia so terribly. That's why, after changing my clothes, I decide to go to her. I go into the hall and knock on the door with the number 56, next to my room. A moment later Julia is standing in front of me in a bathrobe.

"Good morning Julia, I hope I don't come inappropriate." I say apologetically immediately, but Julia only smiles at me.

"Don't worry, you're not inappropriate, because I missed you." She explains to me and smile at me. "Do you want to come in? I think it's uncomfortable to talk in the hallway.

"Sure, if you don't mind." I say with a smile and Julia let me in her room.

"How are you?" I ask as soon as I have closed the door behind me.

"I'm doing relatively well, when I'm thinking about yesterday." There was a brief silence in the room. "How are you?"

"Fine, very good, but only because you're here." I smile at Julia.

"That's good to hear." She smiles back. Again there's  a short silence. "I have to keep thinking of the last night." She confesses then and sits down on her bed. I also think about our kiss. Now that Julia is sitting on the bed, I sit down next to her.

"Me too." I say now. We look into the eyes of each other again, I look into her beautiful brown eyes. It's the same feeling as yesterday. Nobody can stop us. Our faces are approaching more and more and the distance between us is getting smaller. When we finally get close enough, I put my lips back on hers. I pull her closer to me and we're kissing deep. The same feeling as yesterday on the cliff. We part after a long kiss and look into each others eyes again. Nobody can take us this moment. It's only me and Julia.

"By the way, I know about the baby." I say then, because I thought that would be a good time to address this topic.

"How?" She asks me surprised but also relieved.

"Angelique, she already knew about you for a while." I explain and notice how Julia iced, when I say the witch's name. "But that's over now." I say reassuringly and Julia nods in agreement.

"But, tell me, how do you feel about it, I mean, about the baby?" Then she asks me and seems as if she is afraid of my answer.

"I love the idea of ​​you and me, together as a family, there is no doubt about it and you will become a wonderful mother." I say then, take Julia's hands in mine and make her smile.

"Do you really think so?" Ask me again.

"Yes! I can't wait to have a family with you and marry you, Julia." But I think I said something wrong, because Julia suddenly jumped up from the bed and looks at me with wide eyes.


~ To be continued ~

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