Chapter 6

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I am sitting on my bed. Deepened in the picture, which I've never looked at before. It suddenly knocks on my room door. Surely it is Liz who worries too much about me. I put the little picture next to me on the bed and run to the door. I open it and-
"Barnabas?" Oh God! What does he want now? I have to take the picture from my bed.
"Hello Julia, I just wanted to see how you are." Since I confessed to him, he's suddenly very caring ...
"Uh-yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it was a shock, but I'm fine, you saved me." An embarrassing silence follows.
"You wanted to tell me something on the ball?" He can remember that? It looked to me like he had forgotten everything long ago ...
"I-ehm yes I wanted that, but-" How am I supposed to explain to him why I do not want to incriminate him?
"But?" He had raised an eyebrow.
"I do not want to take you by surprise, you're having a fight with Victoria and-"
"No, I have no quarrel with her anymore." You have no more quarrels? Victoria stays?!?
"Victoria will take off voluntarily." His style as he said it shows no grief, rather hatred or disgust ...
"She-ehm's moving out?"
"Yes, she's scared of me, she didn't wants to live with me for more than 24 hours under one roof."
"Would you like to come in? Because if this is going to be a long conversation, it would be uncomfortable here in the door." Why did I say that now?
"If I may enter the room of yours." He can be so old-fashioned sometimes ...
"Of course." As casual as I can, I step out of the door and let Barnabas into the room. He enters it and looks around. Of course there is not much to see in the room, but Barnabas seems to be amazed. I quickly run to the bed, take the ultrasound and put it in my pocket.
"I have never been in my life in a room from a real lady."
"Real lady, are you talking about me?" I laugh already halfway.
"Of course you're a lady, just look at you, your curves are perfectly rounded, your smile is magical, and your skin is so white, smooth, and tender." WHAT?!?! Did he just say that SERIOUSLY ?! Did he just give me a thousand compliments in a sentence?!? Is he trying to FLIRT with me? Apparently Barnabas now notices what he had just said and brushes a bit
"I, eh it should be better, when I'm going now." As soon as I can answer him he is already gone.

It's finally dinner. Me and the other two in my stomach are really hungry. I walk into the dining room and see that Barnabas, Liz, Carolyn and David are already sitting at the table. As I approach the table, Barnabas looks at me briefly. Apparently the comment from this afternoon is still embarrassing for him...
I sit down and start eating. For the first time, two plates full of salad, then three portions of meatloaf with noodles and sauce and finally three mousse au chocolat, one for each of us three.
Everyone at the table looks at me in surprise, except for Elizabeth, who just looks a bit worried.
"Where is Vici?"
"Up in her room, Carolyn, she's packing." Says Liz to her Daughter.
"Yes, there were a few quarrels."
"I'm going up to my room, it's been a long day." Quick I leave the Collins and go to my bedroom.
There I'll take the picture and- Where is the picture? It is not in my pocket anymore !! Did I lose it?!? WHERE IS IT?!
I search my entire room and turn it upside down, I found a yo-yo, an old record and a denture, but no picture. After fixing my room, I run down the stairs to look in the dining room. I turn into the now empty room and- God no! There is my photo, but it's not alone. Carlolyn holds it in her hand and she's smiling.

~To be Continued~

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