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She opened her eyes.

Sam was, of course, sitting beside her. He was mesmerized in a book.

"I am here," Alice said.

"Yeah I know that. I also know that you are perfectly fit and fine." He closed his book and kept it beside him. Then he looked at her and smiled.

"So," Alice said, "What I was expecting was you looking at me, praying that I woke up and ask me how I was when I woke up."

"For the first one," Sam said, "I was looking at your face and praying that you woke up for three whole days while you were in Athena's care. Then Athena told me you made it perfectly fine, even though it took her a lot of labour, so that's for the second one. And I have a question, how do you expect things when you are fainted?"

"I was out for THREE days?"

"Five, actually. But don't worry. We have been on our way since two days. And, I have been sitting beside you the whole time for five days."

"What about Joe?"

"Maybe you didn't noticed it..."

"But Joe caused that explosion? It was pretty high by my standards."

He smiled again. "But you met it... alone. And when you electrocuted her... Joe channeled all the electricity out of the building to the Earth. But I want to ask one thing... why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you risked your life by channeling so much power?"

"Because you were in danger, silly. And you stood there, waiting to face your doom, so that I can live a bit longer..."

"I knew we both were going to die anyway," he looked down. "But... I wanted to let you live as long as you can. But... I tried. And I failed."

"Sam," she said, secretly smiling to herself. "You never..."

She was interrupted by a huge sound of banging metals from the ship.

Finally Alice looked around and saw that it was the same ship which led them from Isthumus of Panama to Bermuda triangle.

But... it was destroyed in front of her own eyes.

Maybe another one of same model. She hoped that this ship's automated captain wasn't angry from them.

"I will see what the matter is," Sam said. "And inform the others too. Though... Joe is a little angry from you."

"Why exactly?"

"That's common sense. You shouldn't have risked your life or called me and stuff like that. He has been yelling at me almost every day every second here he was dead worried about you."

"That means he can only risk his life for us? I never yelled at him for doing such a crazy thing in Australia!"

"Hey, he has every..."

"You too, Sam? You know how many times he has risked his life for me. And did anything happened to me? And..."

"And two have been yelling at me FOR NO REASON AT ALL!" And after saying so, he stormed out of the room.

That left Alice alone.

She tried standing up, but she winced in pain. The pain was quite less than the magnitude of the real pain, but she knew it was because of the thousands of pain killers that were acting on her body.

She eased herself in a sitting position in the bed. She looked at the open doorway.

Twenty minutes passed and no one came. She suddenly started feeling as if something was wrong. She sensed it. Something was wrong.

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now