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"What's the plan?" Joe asked, looking at Sam as they ran through the corridors (There is absolutely no need to mention that they were absolutely lost).

"Why are you asking me?" Sam said.

"Because you are the one with plans," Joe replied.

"Just because I made a couple of plans, I am suddenly the in charge?"

"Ay, Ay captain."

"You don't even know where this is used!"

"And," Jade added, "You are making it sound like a fiction movie!"

Joe gave Sam a glare, and he made a don't-look-at-me face.

"It is like a fiction movie," Alice said. "Just in real life."

"So, guys, anyone has a plan?" Joe asked.

"I do," Jade said. "Just that means encountering one of the Ares' strongest... um..."

"Pawn?" Joe asked. The word suddenly popped up into his head, and he spoke it.

"Pawn?" Sam asked. "As in chess."

"It just came to my head. Jade, what's the plan?"

"The plan is just the basic escape plan in case of internal, impossible fires."

"Internal impossible fires? Is that even possible?"

"Ares' never took chances. It isn't in his nature."

"I disagree," Joe said.


"Guys," Alice said, out of breath, though she had said only a few words. "Let's focus on running, shall we?"

They ran quietly after that, except for the noise of the building fall getting closer and Alice panting.

Suddenly Jade stopped.

"What happened?" Joe asked.

"The pawn," Jade replied.

Without any known reason, a chill went up his spine. "Where?" he asked.

"That depends, but he is nearby. Trust me, you don't want to fight him. He defeats people very... harshly."

Joe looked at Jade with concern. "He has defeated you too?"

"I was no match for him. He defeated me quite easily. And you know, he has broken three bones in my body and given me two huge bleeding cuts, which had never recovered actually."

"Was he that... kid? Back at the sea?" Joe asked.

"Yes. And I am pretty sure he'd be melting this whole building with the anger in his head."

Joe knew it was an exaggeration, but it still made him shudder. God knows why he was shuddering so much?

Then he noticed that they all were shuddering and looking at the ground.

Then he too realized it. The floor was occasionally vibrating.

"Seems like we don't have much choice," Alice said and ran forward. They followed her.

Joe took two steps, when someone called, "Hey!"

Joe turned and found the kid looking right at him.

"Destroying my father's shrine and running away? Not that simple."

"It isn't his shrine, as my friend has proved."

"I can understand that. At first, Ares' wanted you three under his command as well. Two weren't enough. But then he saw the trouble you can cause, and let you to be my prey."

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now