I, The Waffle Iron

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The home I come from's pretty close to the Parts Shop; you just turn a corner and walk a few houses down, and there it is.

I had a Master who loved sports, a Mistress who was always really busy with whatever her job was (I think she was an accountant?), and a Young Master who had two obsessions: Waffles and baseball.
Well, I wondered what was so great about baseball, so I decided to try it. While everyone else was asleep, I grabbed YM's baseball and bat and snuck outside.
I tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it; it took me a few tries to actually hit the ball, but once I did...

Well, I saw why Young Master loved that game so much.

I would sneak out every night to play, and one night I shattered a record-breaking ten windows (my previous record was six) with my home runs.

Well, the very next morning the neighborhood appliances, who were apparently mad at me because of my baseball practice, went and tossed me in the dumpster at the end of the street.

And the very night after that Elmo St. Peters found me and brought me to his shop. I dunno why he was digging in the trash; I guess, to quote Altair, "He's so spontaneous!"

Well, after literally only a day in the shop Jass was trying to get me to practice the b-movie song, but dancing's dumb so I said no.

What are they doing? How will that work?
This isn't possible! It isn't!

Celsius is bashing down the door as Ultra shouts "Freedom! Freedom! Jailbreak!" and Quadruped runs. The dumb customer guy doesn't even look up from his magazine as I dash out the door.

I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!

The Next Day...
I head off down the sidewalk as Shadlez asks Pyralis something about Fantom.
I'm finally going home! I'm finally going home! I'm finally going home!
I can't wait to see my Master, Mistress, and Young Master again... To serve them like I used to... To play baseball after dark again...

I knock on the door, using the special "appliance's secret knock" that Dial (a radio) insisted everyone memorize. Master and Mistress aren't home, anyway, and...
No... It can't be...
This isn't possible! It isn't!

The appliance that answered the door is another waffle iron. My replacement.
"May I help..." 'e starts to say before trailing off.
Then 'e turns and calls "Uh, everyone... you may want to look at this."

Soon my housemates... my former housemates... are all staring at me.
"You came back." says the vacuum, simply stating the fact.
"How did you escape from the junkyard?" Zap, a pear-shaped table lamp, asks.
"You've been replaced, y'know." says a Tandy computer that I don't recognize.
"GET. OUT." says Mirabilis, a tall standing lamp.
"Yeah!" Zap joins in. "We don't need you smashing windows!"
"I wasn't trying to hit any windows! Those were complete accidents!"
"Really? Even though you did a victory dance whenever you hit one?"

I stare out at the open road, the road that leads to Light City. Where do I go now? I'm an appliance without a Master, and that just isn't right...

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