I, The Shadeless Lamp

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I am the most intelligent appliance ever to set base in Elmo St. Peter's parts shop.

Elmo St. Peters bought me for a personal project of his, a project that never panned out.
He was making an amalgamation of lamps he called a "light tree", for a second run on Kevin's Crazy Contraptions. Fortunately, the show was canceled before I could be integrated into that... device.

What is that desk lamp doing?
'E's so dumb, 'e's a disgrace to lamps...
Great, and 'e's roping h' companions into that nonsensical plan.
I hope I don't have to see what the drills will do to them after this.

Wha-? How-?
There's no way-

Elmo St. Peters is unconscious!

They might've gotten that far by sheer luck, but the Aiyaia and Victor will-
The vacuum... took them out?

How is this possible?
Ultra is shouting "Jailbreak! Jailbreak!"
And the fridge is bashing down the door, and Quadruped... runs?

I'm free. I'm finally free.
This will be my first time outside...

It's just a fluke that that desk lamp managed to guess the correct way to escape before I figured it out. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The solution involved appliances that had just arrived. I wasn't used to considering them as assets in an escape plan.
That desk lamp is NOT smarter than me. 'E can't be.

Later that night...
We're spending the night in a clearing in the woods by the road. Unfortunately, I'm stuck sitting next to the delusional fan. Something really must be done about h'.

Maybe tomorrow...
I can't keep my eyes open...

Suddenly the morning sun is shining down. Fantom's already left.
Drat, now I can't deal with h'.

Pyralis is just about to set out. 'E may be about as intelligent as a brick, but is honest to a fault and will probably tell me where the insane fan went.
"Where is Fantom?" I ask.
"I think 'e left already. Ran off with Cassy and Mish-Mash. I'm pretty sure they were going to find Cassy's Mistress".
I had almost forgotten about Cassy's Master. That crazy boy who deceived his tape recorder (and probably his other appliances, too) into believing an impossibility.
Cassy is continuing the cycle of deception, but if I catch up, I can help h' realize the truth...
Or, if worst comes to worst, destroy h' like I must do to Fantom.

And once I'm done, I can finally find a new Master and rest...
I deserve it.

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