Brief Outline

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This story follows a household that has been thrust into the darkness by the behaviour of  the twelfth Earl of Northcrest. It is a story about Alex (the newest Earl), Rowan (his friend & manservant) and Elise (an abused and scared woman who has run away from a guardian that did unspeakable things to her).

It follows the journey of recovery for Alex, reunion in an unlikely way for Rowan and acceptance of things that cannot be changed for Elise. 

I have enjoyed writing it, though it is a slow process. I started this when I was 21 and finally free of a pretty terrible 5 year relationship... and it has grown with me, as I continued life. 

Enjoy it, or hate it... I honestly don't mind. I would appreciate any errors being pointed out though - I like to make sure my writing is as well proofed as possible - but some things do slip by me. 

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