Episode 13: The crystal clear

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At 11 o'clock in the morning, Lilo, Stitch and Angel are ready to go for the boat ride which Jacob's brother, David, will steer the boat. Lilo, Stitch and Angel are taking their own sun glasses. Lilo's sunglasses's color is purple and its shape of the glasses is the star shape. Stitch's sunglasses's color is blue and its shape is normal. Angel's sunglasses's color is pink and its shape is the heart shape. Bonnie takes her green sunglasses. David and Nani are waiting outside of their house for Lilo, Stitch, Angel and the others to come. Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Bonnie and Clyde are go out of the front door of their house. "Are ya ready kids?" David said as the captain. "Aye aye captain" Lilo, Stitch, Angel and Bonnie said together at the same time. Yaarp and Belle are go outside of the front door of the house to the others. Felix and Carmen are coming too. TJ, Mikey, Vince, Spinelli, Gus and Gretchen are coming too. Jumba and Pleakley are coming too. Jacob and Reuben are talking while they go out of the front door to go along with the others while they are playing house ad for fun. "Mr. Reuben, I like the house very much, it is also close to my school, that it should be" Jacob said to Reuben for fun. "My little Jacob, all yours" Reuben responded. They all ready for the boat ride.

In the small port, where Lilo , Stitch, Angel and the others have come, the boat which they will enter, has a stern where they can fish with fishing rods, four rooms, one kitchen, two bathrooms and a big room like a living room where they can all rest. "You can drive and boat?" Reuben asked David. "Yes" David answered. Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, Bonnie, Clyde, Yaarp, Belle, Felix, Carmen, TJ, Spinelli, Gretchen, Mikey, Vince, Gus, David, Nani, Jumba and Pleakley are now board on the boat. They are now ready for the boat ride. David takes the helm of the boat, he starts the boat. The boat is moving while Lilo, Stitch, Angel and the others are watching the view of the sea. David drives the boat to the sea of Kauai.

Mikey is sitting in the bed inside of one of the rooms of the boat and he eats his chips that he took for the boat ride. Bonnie appears. "Hey, Mikey" Bonnie said to Mikey. "Hey, do you want a potato of chips?" Mikey asked Bonnie. "No, thanks, I'm fine" Bonnie responded. Bonnie sits in the bed next to Mikey. "Don't you wanna come outside?" Bonnie asked Mikey. "Yes, I want. I now just finished" Mikey answered. Bonnie and Mikey are get out of the bed. They both leave the room and they go to the outdoor of the boat. The sea is shining by the sun, with some clouds to the sky. Pleakley takes pictures with his camera the sea. "Hey, Pleakley. How many pictures you will take?" Jumba asked Pleakley. "Not too much, just if I will see something interesting, I'll take it a picture" Pleakley responded. Lilo and Angel are watching and enjoying the stunning view of the sea. "Do you like it here?" Lilo asked Angel. "Yeah" Angel answered. Lilo touches Angel's cheeks and caress her. "Awww, you're so cute" Lilo said to Angel. Angel touches Lilo's shoulders, she pulls her in front of her face and she kisses Lilo's cheek. Jacob appears. "My ladies, are you having fun?" Jacob asked. "We? Of course, me with Angel we always have an amazing time" Lilo answered. Stitch appears next to Jacob by wearing his cool blue sunglasses. Wow, you look cool Mr. Alpha" Lilo said to Stitch. "Boojiba" Stitch answered.

Jumba brings the fishing rods to Lilo, to Stitch, to Angel, to Jacob. "Hey, would you like to try to catch a few fish? David let me to bring you the fishing rods now" Jumba responded. Lilo, Stitch, Angel and Jacob agree to do that. Jumba shows to them how to use the fishing rod to catch a fish, he puts a tiny piece of bread to the bait and he places it to the water. "This is so exciting" Lilo responded. Jumba manages to catch a fish and he pulls it out of the water. He catches it and the fish is a kikakapu raccoon butterflyfish. "Wow, that fish looks beautiful" Jacob said. "Yeah, it is" Jumba responded. Jumba gives to Jacob the fish and Jacob shows it to Lilo, Stitch and Angel. He then throws the fish back into the sea water.

While David drives, an experiment name Mr. Stenchy approaches David behind him. Mr. Stenchy touches David's leg, David curiously looks back. He doesn't look anything until he looks down on its legs, he sees Mr. Stenchy. "Oh, hey there little buddy" David said. Mr. Stenchy gives David a cute look. "Wow, you're so cute" David said. David kneels and gently caress Mr. Stenchy's head. "Wanna come with me to the others outside?" David asked Mr. Stenchy. Mr Stenchy's gaze says "yes". David takes Mr. Stenchy in his arms, he stops the boat and he goes outside of the door. While Pleakley is fishing with Lilo, Stitch, Angel, Jacob, and Jumba, David appears with Mr. Stenchy. "Lovebirds, look who came with us in secret" David said while he showed Mr. Stenchy to the others. "Ah yeah, I remember him" Jacob responded by surprise. Mr. Stenchy approaches Lilo, "Hey there, Mr. Stenchy. How did you get into the boat? You secretly got on the boat as we got on" Lilo asked. Mr, Stenchy moves his head up and down. "Alright" Lilo responded.

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