A small crush now huh?~

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~George's P.O.V~

I walk into Dream's house then greeted by Drista, Dream's younger sister,hugging me,then she goes off to her room as I walk to Dream's room. I walk in and I just freeze. Dream stands on the other side of his room,changing and I stare at his abs,going red. I leave as soon as he tells me to,and I lean against the wall outside his door. The image of Dream shirtless replays in my head and I hit my head on the wall to get the image gone. Dream says to come back in so I walk inside,and he's already sitting at his gaming set up,about to do a speedrun against sapnap. I go and sit on his bed,watching him play Minecraft.

~an hour later from Dream's P.O.V~

I hit my desk in anger as Sapnap wins the speedrun,him then punching me off into the void in Minecraft. I scoff as I turn to see George asleep in my bed,so I turn back to the call,ending it on sapnap then I start to text him.

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