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"Ermm... Yui, where are we?", Kay asked.

"Beats me, how should I know?", Yui said. "I have advised you to bring the knight Favonius with you, but you denied it immediately and now you see what is happening now ..."

"Well, never think you will be this useless," Kay said. "And you know why we can take them with us, Yui. I can't use Code Breaker in front of them... "

"And now we lost? Isn't that great", said Yui sarcastically.

"Ah, shut up", said Kay. "Let me look at the map again..."

Near the Temple of a Thousand Winds, Kay and Yui are on a mission to investigate a huge monster, technically a plant called Cryo Regisvine. The problem is, they are now lost because Kay refuses to bring a local with them.

Earlier that day, they have a meeting with Jean, acting grand master of knight of Favonius as Kay tells her about the cell and the lesser cells. Let say, it is not gone smoothly.

"Hahh, maybe you shouldn't say that to her, Kay", Yui said as she remembered the meeting, a bit tense. "You have to be more careful with your words."

"Telling them a lie isn't going to get us in the right direction, chaos is going to happen," Kay said. "And telling them the truth, will only hurt them. It is their choice, whether they accept it, or are still in denial ... "

" are talking about those girls, right?", asked Yui.

However, Kay does not answer her question. Instead, he just gives her a silent treatment. Kay then remembers about the meeting, the time when Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and other knights have to face the truth.

"Are you saying you would have killed Dvalin, one of the four winds that protect Mondstadt, if he had been infected by that creature?", Jean asked, she was a bit angry but managed to calm down.

"That is a little bit overboard, Kay!!", said Amber. "How could you say that!!"

"Don't get me wrong, what I'm saying is, if the day Dvalin is infected with the cell, then I'll take the responsible for killing him," Kay said. "You don't have to get your hands dirty and let me handle the rest..."

"But of course, if we can prevent it, then it's better..."

"And of course, don't get your hope too much..."

The room became even gloomier because they didn't think the monsters that suddenly became hostile were because of the lesser cell. Once they knew how dangerous the cell was when it infects a powerful monster, they seemed to disbelieve.

"I don't understand, how could such a dangerous creature come to Mondstadt?", Jean asked.

"Long short story, there is one idiot man sends these cells to our land. Pretty much you can guess what happens next. The monsters that already violent becomes even more feracious. Takes a lot of effort to defeat even one of them, a lot of casualties and a lot of despair..."

"The creature is called...the cell, just a cute tiny creature. But can bring a lot of

"Some people don't even care, some people experiment it liked a fucking maniac while some people liked me, to clean the mess they done..."

Amber interjects, saying if Dvalin is infected, there must be a cure.

"If there is one, then I should not be here, Amber", said Kay. "I don't know what your relationship with Dvalin is. Whatever it is, you should prepare the worst."

"But, Dvalin isn't the only one who might be infected with the cell, there are other monsters nearby."

Kay tried to cheer them up, the room, however, was still intense and gloom.

"What is your suggestion, traveler?", asked Jean.

"I believe there are five creatures that have potential to be infected by the cell", said Kay. "Anemo Hypostasis, Electro Hypostasis, Cryo Hypostasis, Cryo Regisvine, and Dvalin. Better investigate them quickly before it is too late..."

"Hahhh...We will, it will be our priority from now on", said Jean.

"And be more careful", said Kay. "Once cells infect them, they are not the same anymore..."

Afterwards, Jean instructs knight of Favonius to investigate the five creatures that Kay talks about. Kay himself decides to go alone with Yui to investigate the Cryo Regisvine, which Jean agrees.

"Should we ask Aether for help?", Amber asked. "I'm sure he can do something if what Kay said is true."

Jean then nods at Amber who then immediately leaves, eager to send a message to Aether.

"In the meantime, I need to tell Venti about this", thought Jean. "Quickly, before it is too late. And before Kay goes to Stormterror Lair..."




"Yup, we definitely lost now", said Kay. "Where are we? And where is this thick forest come from?"

"Maybe you should bring...", said Yui.

"Yui, shut up", said Kay. "You are not helpful..."

"Mumumumu...then go figure yourself", said Yui, sulking. "I will fly away and left you alone..."

[Yui left the party]

"Well, now that is the least thing I want", said Kay. "Whatever, it's not like I'm in hurry consider the knight of Favonius already cover other places."

Kay walks in the thick forest with no purpose as he just takes any direction according to his instincts.

"I got a feeling that someone just lure me here", thought Kay, upon realising it. "Tch, is it an enemy? Maybe I should be prepared..."

Kay immediately takes out the fox mask as he walks. He then sees a lot of foxes wanders around the forest. There is one fox that picks his interest. There is a small pink fox in the middle of the pack, being ignored by the other foxes.

"A pink fox? Now, this is odd", said Kay as he approaches the pink fox.

The pink fox surprising does not run instead eagerly approaching Kay, wiggles its tail as the pink fox is waiting at him for a long time.

"A very friendly little pink fox", said Kay as he pets the little fox. "Are you lost?"

The little pink fox stared at Kay before jumping up at him and getting into his coat. Kay then tried to remove the little fox from his coat, but the fox bit his finger and refused to move.

"Well, I guess you come with me then", said Kay. "Welcome to the party, Little Fox..."

[Little Fox joined the party]

"By the way, do you know where Cryo Regisvine is, little fox?", asked Kay. "Nah, who I'm just kidding, there is no way this little fox knows..."


The little fox somehow looked in one direction and tried to make a cute sound to make Kay move in that direction.

"You want to me to go that way? Sure, it is not like I have any choice to begin with", said Kay as he follows the direction. 

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