101 - Like Walmart Spray Paint?

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Not me trying to write this chapter and start off the next book in the series and do my job in social media and send in my Cambridge application and pack for my trip to Scotland (eek!) and read two books and catch up on two online courses I've been neglecting and teach a friend how to do Special FX make up for his shoot and ALL WITH A MIGRAINE. ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Who's done a stupid? Me. Me has done a stupid. That is besides the point - I know how this story will end and you guys are gonna hate me for it, which is why I've started writing the next book already so it'll be out as soon as the last chapters of this one are.

I just want to say that we have OFFICIALLY REACHED 5K READS!! WHAT?! You guys, I can't thank you enough. There are specific people (about four of you!) who have kept up to date with this story and have voted on nearly, if not every chapter. You comment, you interact, you give me your thoughts, and you read everything just about the day it comes out! Your comments are what I LIVE FOR! I love them so much and I love discussing the book with you in the comments! It makes me so happy that you are as into this book as you are, and that you care about these characters as much as I do. Thank you so much for believing in me. Thank you for believing in Aditi and Peter. Thank you for believing in Alina (and her many possible love interests). And most of all thank you for believing in Roara and Loki, the soulmates we all wish to be one day. It means the world. 💗


"PETER!" I screamed as I saw him, a hand on his waist, the other holding to the metal bannister for support. I flew up the staircase and pulled him into my arms. "Oh my god, Peter." He held me tightly, rocking from side to side, his face buried in my neck. "Oh, Peter, I was so worried."

It was then that I saw her out of the corner of my eye. Without my arms still gripping onto Peter, who felt slightly unsteady himself, I was sure I'd have tripped backwards with shock.

Roara was falling down the centre of the staircase, her arms outstretched above her, with nothing below to cushion her fall. I let out a short horrified scream as she went past, feeling the air resistance from her body like a car going past you on the side of the highway.

Peter held on tighter to me and I pressed my head into his shoulder, unable to watch her hit the floor.

Only the crack of her skull on the tiles below never came.

"Ti." Peter whispered in my ear. "Look."

I lifted my head up and looked down. Loki was holding Roara in his arms, and they were gazing into each other's eyes with the most intense look I'd ever seen. He'd teleported down in a split second, just in time to catch her. His reaction had been lightning fast.

And then Roara was kissing him, and he was kissing her, and it was as though the floor beneath our feet was vibrating. It was the most passionate kiss I'd ever seen. No movie kiss was like this. This was something else. This must have been the best kiss that had ever happening in the whole universe, in all of history. A star probably exploded a galaxy away because this kiss was so epic. Loki set her on the ground, the kiss never breaking, as her hands clasped around the back of his neck. He pulled her close to him so that their bodies were pressed together. We all saw what happened next.

Roara's body burst into flame, red and orange incandescent light exploded across my eyes, and I had to blink rapidly in order to see anything other than fire. When I was able to look back again, the light had died down to a soft red glow, which encased the two of them like a sunset.

"My first kiss better be like that," I murmured, my arms still around Peter, "or I want my money back."

"You've never been kissed?" Peter asked quietly.

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