12 - She Kept Her Promise, Unlike You

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"She's still dreaming?" Tony asked me.

I ended the connection, feeling my eyes roll back into place, and nodded.

"Friday, what are we thinking?" Tony asked.

"From what I can register Alina is right. She's in a state of REM sleep." The female voice came through the invisible speakers on the wall. It'd taken me a while to get used to Friday, and it was a real shock when I'd found out that Jarvis was now... well not Jarvis but a tall red man who could float through walls. I looked around. I'd now met almost all the Avengers, but very few were allowed in this room. Most didn't even know of Roara's existence, let alone the sacrifice she'd made. Roara was a secret. The red headed girl to my left apparently hadn't seen Roara before today. And now she was about to look right into her mind, something I was unable to do.

"Wanda, you're up, do your thing." Tony said standing back.

The girl with red hair stepped forwards, placing a graceful fingertip to Roara's forehead. Red light trails flickered around her hand. She closed her eyes, frowning. We all stayed silent for only a few seconds before Wanda took her hand away.

"Why did you stop?" Thor asked.

"I'd seen enough." The girl, Wanda, said simply.

"What did you see?" I asked tentatively.

We were all in chairs around Roara's bed. They'd moved her from the med bay to her bedroom, so it was a little more cramped for six people, but we all fit. They hadn't wanted the others to accidentally stumble upon her, and now that she was somewhat stable they decided her room was the best place for her.

She looked up at me. "Nothing helpful." She replied. "But somewhere in her mind she's still very conscious."

"Are you sure?" Bruce asked. "She sustained a terrible injury. The bullet went right through her at close range."

"I am sure. I need to speak to the prisoner." She explained.

We all shifted uncomfortably.

"If you are going to see my brother, I am coming with you." Thor insisted.

"Me too." I said. They all looked at me. "What? I'm useful. He knows me."

"No more than three of you, Loki doesn't need to become any more arrogant than he already is. He's been insufferable." Tony muttered.

"Why will more than three of us make him more arrogant? Won't he be more intimidated?" I asked. I didn't know the man well, barely knew him at all really. He'd seemed up himself, sure, but these were avengers we were talking about. Oh, and me.

Thor began to laugh, a proper laugh, not something I'd seen him do yet. "Of all Asgard." He muttered, wiping away a tear. "You say you know him yet you clearly do not. More avengers means he's more important, that the stakes are higher. He'll play games with us. Just three of us will suffice. One or two would mean it is an interrogation, again he'll try and trick us."

"Well then," I stood up slowly, hands holding the sides of my chair for support, "it's just a friendly chat."

I was off the IVs and had been able to get a little healthier in the few days I'd been at the Avengers tower. Of course my blood rate was taken every morning and evening, they were running blood tests and brains scans and all the rest of it. I didn't question it, I knew they were trying to find out what they had changed about my body to allow me to do the things I now could. Of course they said it was all medical, but I'd come to learn that my uncle always had a second reason for doing things.

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