75 - Invasion Of Privacy

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I just want to say to everyone a huge huge thank you to my readers. This book is now super long, and you guys have stuck with it even though I only had a vague idea of where this was going, so thank you so much for believing in me and enjoying my work!


The apartment door shut behind us with a click.

I immediately turned to Sam. "Did they seem a bit... off to you?" 

"I mean," he scratched the back of his head, "Bucky's always like that. Roara seemed strained, but I'm not surprised, she's been having a bad time recently." 

I looked back at the apartment door. "Bucky's like that when he's not around her normally. I wonder what's been going wrong."

"Next time we can bring Aditi if you want, check out the vibes better?" 

"Did you just say check out the vibes better?" 

"Anything wrong with that?" He laughed and we took a few more steps to the staircase.

I paused. "That look, between you and Roara when I asked if anything else had happened, it meant something didn't it?"

Sam groaned a little. "Can we please go? I got ice cream in the freezer and it's boiling. My feet are gonna fry if I stand here any longer." 

I crossed my arms. "Samuel Thomas Wilson what the fuck aren't you telling me." 

He looked conflicted, glancing from me to the apartment we'd just left over and over again. He bit his lip and shuffled his feet. He was nearly there. I began to tap my foot.

"FINE!" He finally gave in. "I walked in on Roara and Loki having... a moment."

"A moment? Please clarify." 

He sat down on the top of the stairs. "Just before we left last week. They were kind of holding hands, not actually holding hands..." He sighed. "You know in Harry Potter when that teacher and the mother of the blonde kid make the unbreakable vow?"

"Narcissa Malfoy and Snape in the Half Blood prince?" I asked, coming to sit beside him.

"That's the one." He said emphatically. "That was how they were holding hands, more like holding each other's wrists with their palms together. And it looked like they were about to kiss."

"KISS?" I leant back. "I mean I know they're sort of flirty with each other, but they also hate each other's guts. It's very much a love hate relationship with a lot of hate and death threats in the mix." 

"Maybe something happened in that cave that they weren't telling us." Sam guessed. "But it seemed as though they were just waiting for something."

I frowned. "For what though? They've had like half a millennium. "

Sam opened his mouth, about to answer, when we heard muffled yelling coming from inside the apartment. I glanced at Sam, who was looking at me, a slightly pained expression on his face. He wanted to leave, like now. I had a niggling feeling I wanted to stay and hear what they were saying.

I crept over to the door and pressed my ear to it. 

"It wasn't just a leg injury!" I could hear Bucky shouting as Sam urged me silently to go down the stairs.

"You lost a fucking arm!" Roara was screaming back. Sam had his hands on his head, turning slowly in a circle, looking like he wanted to kill me. 

"It's not the same thing, and you know it!" 

"- why you fell in love with me in the first place!" I moved my head away from the door when I heard this, my eyes going wide. Sam was gesturing wildly to leave and I ran over to him, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him down the stairs.

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