99 - A Loaded Question

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We have not had a Roara chapter for 15 (15?!) chapters, which is the longest it's ever been between hearing from Roara's point of view. It was great to hear from our other badass queens but I think we need to go back to the person this all started with, don't you?



"That's my brave girl."

"At least we won't run out of fresh water."

"You go to sleep now. I'm staying right here."

"I can read minds remember, Roara."

"Do you know how painful it is to fall in love with a mortal girl, a human?"

"What have they done to you?"

"I was a coward."

"I'm going to fix this."

"At least they're not the type that breaths fire."

"Fine. But you're making a mistake."

"I didn't leave. And now you know. Doesn't that make things better?"

"You're going to have to trust me."

"How do you accidentally punch someone in the face?"

"As all pleasurable things should be."

"I promise I will never betray you, and that is not a vow I make lightly."

"To be apart from you was the most painful thing I have ever experienced."

"I am here, my love."

I awoke with heaving, painful, heavy breaths. I leant forward, pressing my face to my sweaty palms. The dreams were horrendous. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing images, flashes, of experiences and events, so vivid it felt like they were happening to me. As though they had happened to me. I looked over at Simon beside me, sleeping soundly as he always did.

I sighed and dragged myself out of the bed. I padded across to the door and caught myself in the mirror. My cheeks were bones with skin stretched over them, my eyes hollows swimming in dark pools, my skin pale with a sickly grey tint like snow left out too long. I looked haunted. I was haunted.

I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on over my pyjamas, setting off down the hall. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I needed answers. Desperately.

I took the stairs down, feeling like I could do with the walk. Like it might help me clear my mind. But nothing was clearing my mind anymore. Not alcohol, not drugs, not meditation, not sex, not sleep. I was constantly in a state of hunger, of desperation, of utter and frantic panic.

I reached my destination. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened the door.

It was as though he'd been waiting for me. All the other prisoners were asleep in their cells, except for him. I could see the girl who had caused so much hysteria the other day, resting her head on the dying boy's chest, her fingers intertwined with his. She didn't look peaceful, even in sleep, and I wondered if I looked that restless when I closed my eyes.

"Hello." I said. I sounded like a child walking up to a snake in a zoo, trying to make contact with something who would never understand their language.

"Hello Roara." The man replied. He was sitting down in his cell, his eyes tracing my every move.

I sat down in front of him, crossing my legs. "I put the guards outside into a sleep."

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