5 - Steve is an Excellent Therapist

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"Where's Thor?" My voice sounded so quiet I could barely hear him.


"WHERE IS THOR?" I heard my voice coming out of me so loudly it took me a second to register that it was even mine.

"He's away." Maria said calmly.

"Get him back here. Now."

Maria looked to Fury before turning back to me, "Roara that's just not possible."

"WELL MAKE IT POSSIBLE!" I screamed. The rage inside me was building, red and steaming like lava. I didn't care if I was embarrassing myself.

"It isn't!" Fury shouted back at me.

I screamed, slamming my fists into the table. When I took them off I saw I had made a deep dent in the metal of the surface. Everyone was staring at me. I took off in the direction of the exit, kicking a chair out of my way. I slammed the door behind me and started off down the corridor.

Loki. Loki. Loki.

The man who had ruined my life. Who had taken off as soon as he'd seen what I'd become. When his joke, his little project had been too much to control. The man I was expected to defeat. Did they expect me to be calm? To just be okay with him turning up?

I needed some air. I stalked to the lift, jabbing the button. There was a ding before a computerised voice said, "I am sorry. Mr Stark has not given you permission to leave this floor. Please try again later." I yelled in frustration and kicked a wall.

"FUCK!" I screamed, punching the wall above where I had kicked.

I heard feet slamming against the floor and then a scraping sound as someone came to a halt.


"I swear to God Rogers if you say anything along the lines of I'm sorry I will do to your face what I did to that table." We both knew the threat was somewhat empty, but still I wasn't quite sure what I'd do.

"I was going to say do you need to get some air." This made me turn around. I was suddenly flooded with gratitude. I didn't think I could speak so I just nodded.

"If you'll just excuse me," he gestured for me to move out of the way. He pressed the button.

The computerised voice came again, "I am sorry. Roara Woodson does not have permission to leave this floor."

Steve spoke into a keypad next to the lift. "Steve Rogers cobra override."

Suddenly Stark's voice came over the intercom, "Rogers I swear to God if you lose her I will kill you myself."

"No problem Stark." He said, giving a little salute to where a camera must be.

The lift opened and we stepped inside.

I'd never really been into Central park, it wasn't there in the 20s. It was bigger than I thought it would be, with huge rock structures and ponds dotted around. We walked in silence for a while.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I finally asked him. It was true. I'd grown closest to Steve in the little time I'd been with the avengers, he was always understanding, always checking in on me.

"I guess I know what it's like to be feel out of place."

"In 400 years that feeling has never left me." I explained as we sat down on a bench. "Has it left you?"

"Some ways yes, some ways no." He leant forward, looking at the park. "Sometimes I still wake up and forget where I am."

"I get that."

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