Alone Again

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I really want to thank @Happily_Insane13
She was able to help me with my writers-block and keep this story going. Thank you so very much, appreciate your contribution <3

Luce POV

He just stood there... he didn't even look me in the eye.

'He must be in shock.'

I stumbled towards him almost tripping over my own feet.

"Cod-y..." I tried reaching out to him as my voice cracked out his name, but like that could ever bring his senses back.

His expressions changed endlessly.

His eyes opened immensely as his legs started to tremble, that lanky body of his collapsing into a nearby chair. He'd turned as white as a sheet.

"Oh Cody! I'm sorry!" was all I could blurt out and fell to my knees.

'He must hate this! I'm such an idiot! I've ruined everything.'


I awaited his response eagerly.

"Luce..." He whispered in a monotone voice, like he was about to tell me i'd just lost my parents.

'H-he said my name!'

"A relationship... between a male and another male... kinda... disgu-"

Before I let him finish I got up on my own two feet and bolted to the door, quickly turning the knob without any thought and consideration.


My mind was blank, as was my face.

I ran out.

Codys POV

'He... likes me?'

I stood up for a while, not quite knowing what exactly he meant by that.

'No... he loves me.'

Well that explains it all... like a lovesick teenage girl he stalked me and tried to capture my image.

'But I'm not gay! I'm not! no way!'

My legs grew weaker by the second, I could no longer support my self as I fell into the chair I was in just a short moment ago...

"Luce..." I sighed, my voice was cold and unhappy. I didn't want to make him feel bad.

But I could tell he was a little embarrassed, when I said his name he became flustered. That face of his turning bright red.

'I gotta let him down easy...'

However I didn't know how to possibly do that.

My emotions got the better of me, and brang out the worst.

"A relationship between a male and another male... kinda... disgu-"
I stopped with my sentence as he stood up abruptly.

By the look on his face I could tell I'd said the wrong thing.

'Oh shit!'

Before I had a chance to stop him he'd already left, he was fast...

As the door slammed shut, a bunch of different sketches had blown all around the room, landing on different ends and scattering.

'No... that's not what I meant... I didn't mean to use harsh words... that's not at all. What I want you to think.'

Luce POV

My head was a mess.

'Disgusting... yeah, I don't need you to tell me that. I already know.'

As I stormed through the corridor piercing stares of other students penetrated into my soul.

'I gotta get out of here...' I thought as I speed walked, filing along as quickly as I could.

I needed to be alone.

I burst through a whole crowd of bitchy boys. Yes there is such a thing here.

My shoulder accidentally brushed against one of them, causing him to spill his beverage. But like I could give a fuck.

"Oi kid, you like totally spilt my latte! You better pay me back!" He squealed in a whiny voice.

"Up yours!" I screeched without looking back over my shoulder.

I clenched my fists as I walked on forward, not looking up until I had escaped any chance of interaction.

'Solitude...' I thought as I made it to the old unused gym equipment room... no one was using it so I just slammed the door shut and locked it as I sat myself down and reclined against a wooden plank. I had barricaded myself inside. No one could get in...

It didn't take long for the tears and sobs to cascade out of me.

'As if, he could ever, like me back...'

At least I didn't have to paint him anymore. In a way... I was free.

I sat there thinking about the reasons I liked him in the first place.

'Well... no... not just his physique... I really liked his smile... but no! It can't be just that! he's attractive and all but that can't be the only reason for expressing my love... my love is stronger than appearance.'

I grabbed a ball from the basket and started to bounce it against the walls, the slapping of rubber ricocheting off the walls and oscillating around the quiet enclosure...

'But all these things I noticed about Cody... he was always happy, and easy going. The way he would treat his older brother was sweet... he had the perfect versatile sense of humour, and don't get me started on his dedication to school. Just... so many things that make me attracted to him. But what about me? what could he see in me? I'm not special... I'm just an average kid who has no special skills or tactics. He doesn't deserve someone like me. So why? what made me think I had a chance?'

After mentally putting myself down I let the ball bounce away...
I buried my face in my hands and whimpered away.

I'm not special.

Codys POV

'I don't believe it...'

'He was so talented, why didn't I see this before? He committed a lot of his spare time to me... it's kinda sweet.'

I thought whilst bending over to admire the sketches he'd done of me.

'He could be doing anything by now... I should tell him that... well... what should I tell him? I mean I know I don't love him. No way. I couldn't.'

I carefully placed his high quality works on the table along with many others.

I couldn't stop looking.

'It's so... amazing.'

That's it... I snapped.

'I've got to find him.'

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