The Plot Thickens

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My whole walk to school was filled with me looking back at that boy behind me. 'He must live near me...'

After entering inside the school he had disappeared from my sight.

I made my way into class and did the usual routine, nothing really different happened until my friend entered in the class.

"H-hey Cody..." He took a seat next to me.

I nodded in return, I was too tired to say a word.

He was blushing immensely and panting hard.

"What's up?" I lay my hand on his shoulder and tilted my head.

He looked across at me in panic, his eyes went as round as rings.

"I-I... saw something..." He quietly muttered to himself averting his eyes from mine.

"It's just... In class 593... the art class... well every time I go past, I see something strange. And awkward. If you want to know what I mean you'll have to go through yourself, I don't think I can say." He immediately left after quickly spilling it out.

'See for myself? Just what am I expecting?'

He did look absolutely horrified...

I decided I'd go past the room only briefly.

It was the art room.

'587, 589, 591...'

I counted the doors.

I finally reached room 593, I decided to not enter, I just took a small peak through the window.

It was difficult to determine exactly what I was seeing. All I could see was a lot of skin...

A tall skinny guy was at the end of the classroom shirtless, one leg raised up on the desk, his arm resting on his propped up knee, his chin placed in the palm of his hand, kind of similar to that of a Greek god.

He had his chest puffed out slightly.

'Why is he posing?'

I tried to look to the left, but it was blocked off by a plank of wood.

However I could hear absolutely everything the person was saying.

"Do I have to take my pants off again?" The poser asked the invisible person.

"Hmm... yeah I think that'd help."
The person who responded sounded like a young boy, but why would that be?

My head couldn't possibly comprehend the situation.

"B-but it's so embarrassing!" The guy blubbered back.

'Why does he need to be sketched? I mean he's not exactly masculine in any way... he's sort of like... me.'

The guy removed his pants hesitantly. I couldn't stand to look so I turned my back on the window, my ear pressed up against the door.

The conversation echoed through my ear canal.

"I-is this pose al-alright?"


"What's wrong?"

"This isn't what I wanted!" The little boy threw a small tantrum, a lot of clatter, commotion and energy could be heard.

"What's your problem!? I've gone to all this trouble yet you're still not satisfied!"

"It's not the same!"

"I don't understand why you're unhappy with me as your model? I do what you say, yet you always pull that face!"

"You're just not... it's just you're... It can't compare... to...-"


"I-I-I just-"

"NO! I've posed nude over a hundred times for you! So why? isn't that enough? What's missing?!"

The loud argument lasted for a long time.

I could barely pull away from the door, I felt like I was involved now.

"You're not him..." The boy quietly whispered.


"Your body may look like his but... that doesn't make it right..."

"So... you just used me? Because I looked like someone?"

"That's not what I-"

I could see where this was going.

'But they're guys?'

"FUCK OFF!" I heard a very harsh slap, ricochet off the walls.

A small whimper that would resemble a young boys cry of mercy.

I shuffled along as the door was bust open viciously.

The tall skinny figure stormed out, swinging his jacket over his shoulder.

All that was left... were little sobs and sniffles.

'Oh boy...'

I wanted my feet to enter through the door but... that's not what my body wanted.

'What do I do now...?'


I twisted my head around to my friend as he entered through the corridor.

"Did you see it?" He mouthed the words.

I nodded and ran up to him not looking back at that room.

"I-I think they just broke up!" I gasped.

The sobs grew louder, then slightly more distant, the slamming of a door was all I heard before the cries stopped.

"He just walked out... I think he's a first year..." my friend and I walked towards the door.

"Well... what are we doing?" I looked down at him, since I was too tall...

He shrugged and just waltzed right in.

"I think I'll go get my recess... I'm kinda hungry." I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

On my way to the locker right around the corner I bumped straight into someone.

Dizziness invaded my head.

"Wh-whoa I'm so-rry" I was in such a daze.

I looked down at the person I had accidentally hurt.

It... was that boy.

He had a huge red mark on his face, it was bleeding profusely as he sniffled.

He looked up at me in amazement.

I swear I could hear his heart beating faster than a hummingbird.

He was standing in front of the locker where I had found my clothes.

"I-i- I-!" He stuttered like a madman.

Burying his face in his hands he ran out of the room faster than lightning.

The redness of his face lingered in my vision.

'Wh-whats going on?'

I walked out of the room, not quite knowing where I was going.

I was meant to be getting my recess but the thought left my mind.

"COOODYYY!" My friend screamed from down the hallway.

I froze in my tracks.

"Wha-?" He slammed me right against the nearest wall.

"Ah!" My lungs expelled all the air I had contained so well.

'What's going on!?'

My head was buzzing, so much stuff was happening at once, I was left so confused.

"You won't believe what I found!"

Virtuoso Stalker (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now